(4) Why don't Indians care if the holy Ganges River is dirty?

Haridwar. First Expedition to India - Visit to the Holy Land of the Ganges River

(4) Why don't Indians care if the holy Ganges River is dirty?

I went to bed early, shocked by last night's puja. I must have been very tired. I fell asleep much earlier than usual.

However, I woke up tomorrow morning when it was still dark outside. There was something noisy outside.

What time is the clock? Hmm? It's only 5:00 in the morning. What's all this racket?

Curious, I left my room and looked out the hallway window.

I knew immediately after a quick glance.

Ah...so...it's time for morning prayers already...I thought.

Pilgrims are beginning their activities before the sun has even risen. The stalls began their business accordingly. The noise of the stalls was being heard from my room. I could not do anything about it, but it was very difficult for me because I was exhausted.

The hustle and bustle would not allow me to sleep again, and after this I decided to continue watching the pilgrims passing in front of me for some time to come.

The Ganges River flows right in front of my lodgings, and bathing is also available here.

And after a while, one middle-aged man caught my attention.

This man was smearing Ganges water all over his body at a tremendous rate. He was so fast and so enthusiastic in his movements that I was taken aback by his agile and intricate movements.

Yesterday the guide said. 'This way, when you wash away the bad stuff in Ganges, you get lucky.'

It is easy to call this superstition.

But this man is serious about washing his body. For him, Ganges is truly a holy place to wash away evil.

But right next to such a spirited figure, trash was flowing by. I couldn't help but think, "Why don't the Indians want to clean up this sacred river? Why don't the Indians think of cleaning up this holy river?

But soon I had a hiccup.

The river is a river that washes away dirt, so it doesn't matter if it's dirty. It is rather natural for it to be dirty because it flushes away bad things.

Like the pilgrims who rushed to the puja fire yesterday, I felt their insatiable desire for their own happiness. They are not hesitant to run into each other for the sake of their own happiness. There is no hesitation there. If they had done so, they would have ended up getting side-tracked.

It is the ultimate affirmation of worldly interests and desires. But at the same time, there is a bottomless brightness. There is an openness that allows one's feelings to be expressed as they are. What's wrong with wanting to be happy? God, please give me luck! Isn't it refreshing?

To such people, the Buddhist teaching says, "That is superstition. Evil can be purified only by daily acts of modesty. There is no point in going into the Ganges.

But that is exactly what Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, preached about 2,500 years ago. I was struck by how outrageous Buddha's words were. He was saying incredibly radical things at a time when people were more superstitious than now.

Which brings up the question of who was listening to the teachings? It would probably be hard to find ordinary Indian people. In this case, outsiders of the time would have been the main audience, or perhaps a new group of people who were dissatisfied with the social order of the time. Or perhaps a new force that was dissatisfied with the social order of the time.... For more information on this situation, please refer to our previous update.⒂Why Buddhism spread so rapidly in India: the birth of a great power distancing itself from Brahmanism and the rise of an emerging merchant class."We would be happy to refer you to the article in the following section.

In any case, I was confronted with a sight that forced me to think about religion in India early in the morning.

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