The 2020 Kinshokuji Sosho Shinran Shonin Hoonenkyo was held at Kinshokuji Temple.


On October 13, 2020, we held the Sosho Shinran Shonin Hoonenkyo.

Despite the coronavirus disaster, many people visited us.

This year, the spring equinox and the Eternal Sutra Memorial Service were cancelled, and it has been difficult to visit with the members of the temple.

However, I truly felt grateful to be able to meet with you all in this way and visit with you again.

It's been a long time! How have you been? This year, it was a world in which even casual exchanges of greetings were considered out of bounds.

I think it was the Corona Disaster that reminded me how much meeting and chatting directly with people can have a positive effect on the mind.

Also, I am sure that there are many people reading this blog who are not Jodo Shinshu monks (danka).

I am sure there are many of you who are wondering, "What exactly is the Soso Shinran Shonin Hoonkyo?" I am sure that many of you may be wondering, "What is Sosho Shinran Shonin's Hoonko?

The answer to this question can be summed up in a few words: the anniversary of the death of Shinran Shonin, the founder of the sect.

In principle, it is the same as a memorial service for the first, third, or seventh anniversary of the death of a loved one.

We will perform the service (sutra reading) in memory of Shinran Shonin's legacy and receive the Buddhist teachings that Shinran Shonin cherished in his heart once again.

This is a brief outline of the "Soso Shinran Shonin Hoonko" service. This service is the most important service in Jodo Shinshu, and every Jodo Shinshu temple in Japan performs this service once a year.

I hope to speak again about this memorial service at some point, and I would be happy if you could take a look at it at that time.

We would like to thank all of the monks who visited us and all those who helped make this memorial service possible. Thank you very much.

Thank you for your continued support.