Bus transfer from Mostar, Bosnia to Dubrovnik, Croatia Croatia (1)

Bosnia and Croatia

Bus transfer from Mostar, Bosnia to Dubrovnik, Croatia Monk Takahiro Ueda's Round-the-World Trip - Croatia Part 1

May 6, early morning.

Go to the bus terminal in Mostar.

We will finally say goodbye to Bosnia, where we spent 10 days.

We are now headed to Dubrovnik, Croatia.

According to the bus schedule, it is supposed to take three hours to get there from Mostar, but according to the story, it is usually delayed significantly.

The bus terminal is deserted and a little unsettling. It is a little scary to wait here alone.

And sure enough, the bus did not arrive on time.

When I asked at the counter, they said, "I don't know. Anyway, wait" was the only response.

I see, so this is how time is pushed.

Well, it is rarer to be on time in foreign countries.

Let's not worry about it and take it easy.

Even so, this kind of response at the counter overseas reminds us of how unique Japanese customer service is.

In Japan, when there is a delay, station staff and airport ground staff apologize politely anyway.

They bow their heads and say, "We apologize for the inconvenience," even though the inclement weather could not possibly be their fault.

In contrast, the antics of train station staff and airport counters overseas are downright amusing.

When I go to ask them, they sometimes get upset.

It's not my fault. It's not my fault.

Cultural differences are truly interesting. Why are they so different?

It is one of the subjects I would like to study someday.

Well, the bus finally arrived 20 minutes late.

We thought we were ready to depart, but for some reason we mysteriously stopped for another 15 minutes at this terminal, whether for a restroom break or not, I don't know.

I no longer laugh.

You don't care about being late at all anymore!

When you rest, you rest! What's wrong with that? I even feel refreshed by this attitude.

There was no way they would arrive on time.

Well, let's just call it a Bosnian experience and enjoy it. We have plenty of time.

Well, once again, today's destination, Dubrovnik.

Dubrovnik is a beautiful city called the Pearl of the Adriatic.

It is also said to be the town that served as the model for "The Witch's Delivery Service.

Arrive to the Adriatic coast.

That's the Adriatic Sea. The color of the sea is different. If the weather is good, it will be even more beautiful blue.

We arrived at the outskirts of Dubrovnik about 1.5 hours behind schedule.

Dubrovnik is a world-famous resort destination.

A huge cruise ship was docked in the harbor.

And soon we arrived at the bus terminal near the port.

When I arrived, I was surprised to find that for some reason the location was different from the one listed on my ticket.

I was supposed to get off at the bus terminal near the old town, further away from the Piret Gate, as shown on the map.

However, when I asked the driver, he simply brushed me off, saying that this was the last stop and that he would not go to such a place.

Hmmm, what the heck is going on? ...Is the ticket listed incorrectly?

Well, there's no use thinking about it. We have to go from here on our own.

Find a cab stand and head for the inn.

Well, I managed to arrive at an inn near the old town.

As you can see, it looks more like an inn or an ordinary private house.

But in fact, this is really a private home. You stay in a rented room of a house where the residents actually live.

There are not enough hotels in Dubrovnik, and private accommodations, called casa, are meeting the demand for tourist accommodation.

The advantages of casa are quite reasonable compared to hotels.

And many of the casas are well located and have a great view.

This is why you can sometimes find a much better room than a poor choice of hotels.

Of course, there is the disadvantage of having to deal with the owner since it is a private accommodation. Of course, there is a disadvantage of having to communicate with the owner, but if you think of it as a good opportunity to talk with the locals, it will be a pleasant memory.

The view from the terrace is perfect.

You can get a perfect view of the Old Town of Dubrovnik, a World Heritage Site.

But soon after arriving, suspicious clouds begin to cover the sky.

A few minutes later, heavy rain began to fall.

This is not going to be a sightseeing trip...

Waiting for a while.

In the evening, the rain finally begins to settle down.

The inn where I am staying is a short 5-minute walk east from the Ploce Gate, the entrance to the old town.

Entering through this gate, you are already in the Old Town, a World Heritage site.

There are still a lot of clouds, but let's walk there quickly.

The road surface is wet from the rain just a few minutes ago.

I don't know when it will come down again. A little fast.

This is Banye Beach. During the summer vacation season, this beach is so popular that it is filled with people.

Arrive at the Ploce Gate. From here we enter the old town.

Once you pass through the city walls, you will immediately see a yacht harbor.

I love this kind of scenery.

It reminds me of my hometown, Hakodate.

Plazza Street, the main street of the Old Town.

The atmosphere was a little sad, probably due to the rain that had been falling earlier.

That's all for today. I don't know when it will rain again.

Fortunately, tomorrow is forecast to be sunny.

Let's take our time tomorrow and do some sightseeing.

The next day, I was overwhelmed by Dubrovnik, which had undergone a remarkable transformation due to the sunny weather.

be unbroken

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