
Kafka's City of Prague and Czech Literature

Chapek Recommended "Robot (R.U.R.)" Synopsis and Comments - The origin of the word "robot" is this work! Shockingly interesting!

I read it in one sitting, losing track of time. It is not often that one comes across such a work of art. It is no exaggeration to say that this is a masterpiece among masterpieces. It is a tremendous work.

I love Kafka's works, but I must admit that I was bowled over by this Chapek. I think it is a wonderful work that is not at all inferior to "The Metamorphosis," although the genres are different.

Kafka's City of Prague and Czech Literature

Shu Iijima, "Karel Čapek: A Big Writer in a Small Country" - Recommended introduction to the Czech genius writer Čapek.

This work is a great way to learn about the leading Czech writer Čapek. It provides an easy-to-understand explanation of the life, thoughts, and works of the creator of the word "robot."

Reading this book in conjunction with Chapek's work will allow you to enjoy Chapek's work more.

I recommend this book as it is very clear and easy to read.

Kafka's City of Prague and Czech Literature

Klaus Wagenbach, "Kafka's Prague" - Recommended as an accompaniment to a tour of places associated with Kafka! A must-see guide to Prague for fans

What was Kafka "seeing"? If you want to know, you have no choice but to go to Prague. Whether you are actually going on a trip or playing in your imagination. This book, a travel reader and tour guide to Prague, is designed to be a competent companion in both cases. The houses and streets have been reproduced as much as possible from original photographs. (From the text)

Kafka's City of Prague and Czech Literature

Nori Ikeuchi's Workplace 3: Reading Kafka, Summary and Comments - A recommended introduction to Kafka!

Kafka's works are full of mysterious twists and turns, and there are many scenes that make the reader panic.

I highly recommend this book as an introduction and reference to Kafka.

This is especially recommended for those who find the Kafka difficult to approach because it is difficult and dark. I am sure it will change your image of Kafka. I have come to like Kafka more and more.

Kafka's City of Prague and Czech Literature

Franz Kafka's "The Castle" Synopsis and Impressions - Kafka's unfinished masterpiece explodes with absurdity! Satirizing rigid bureaucracy?

This work has tremendous magical power, so it may be difficult to get through it when you are tired or don't have a lot of time to spare.

I recommend that you read this book after you are in good physical condition and have some familiarity with Kafka.

Personally, I was quite impressed with this work. If you ask me if it was interesting or not, I honestly don't know. But it is true that it had a strong impact. This will be a work that I will never forget.

Kafka's City of Prague and Czech Literature

Kafka's "Judgment" Synopsis and Impressions - A strange trial that goes on and on and on. Kafka's masterpiece with absurd stagnation and a shivering ending!

This work is also very Kafkaesque. Kafka is best known for "Metamorphosis," but I personally felt that it was more Kafkaesque than "Metamorphosis. It is a work so full of absurdity that it gives me chills.

It is a tough work, but it is a work that should be read by all, even if you are not a Kafka fan. It could be called a work of horror that moves along at an unhurried pace.

Kafka's City of Prague and Czech Literature

V. Havel's "Jebráčká Opera" (The Beggar's Opera) is a masterpiece, a must-read for those who want to get a feel for the atmosphere after the Prague Spring!

The Jebraska Opera, the masterpiece of playwright and Czech President Václav Havel

The works themselves are of course interesting, but what is outstanding is the commentary in the book.

This book is highly recommended to grasp the post-Prague Spring atmosphere! We hope this book will be more widely disseminated.