
smokeTurgenev, the great Russian writer

Turgenev's "Smoke" Synopsis and Comments - Set in Baden-Baden, a German holiday resort! If you want to know about art in literature, this book is for you!

This work was not well-received by the Russian literary circles at the time, but how was it for me, living in modern Japan, to read it... to be honest, it was not interesting.

So is the novel not worth reading?

No, that's not it.

In fact, for me, the novel "Smoke" became one of the most impressive of Turgenev's works.

I personally highly recommend this work. I think this work is of immense significance in understanding what art is in literature.

father and child (son)Turgenev, the great Russian writer

Turgenev's "Father and Son" Synopsis and Comments - A masterpiece that realistically depicts the disconnect between generations! Too intense!

Once Turgenev created a nihilist named Bazarov, such a person has since been called a "Bazarovian person" or "nihilist" in the real world.

This influence is tremendous.

I felt that Turgenev's abilities as an observer and artist were outstanding in pulling this off.

Father and Son is an easy read and highly recommended. We encourage you to pick up a copy.

first loveTurgenev, the great Russian writer

Turgenev's "First Love" Synopsis and Impressions - Turgenev's masterpiece with an autobiographical character.

The novel is based on Turgenev's actual experiences. The woman he fell in love with was actually his father's mistress, which would be quite shocking if he were actually faced with such a situation.

Although "First Love" is a very interesting story, it is also a very interesting work in terms of Turgenev's views on love.

The volume of the book is also easy to read, at just a little over 100 pages in the paperback edition. Turgenev's masterpiece, "First Love," is highly recommended.

the night beforeTurgenev, the great Russian writer

Turgenev's "The Night Before" Synopsis and Impressions - A long novel about Russia just before the liberation of the serfs.

When this work was published in 1860, it was right on the eve of the Emancipation of the Peasants Act of 1861.

What are the young men thinking and doing as the world moves toward emancipation of the serfs? This is what Turgenev stares at.

Turgenev decided to depict a woman among these young men who is actively involved in society.

This work has become a bitter memory for Turgenev, but as a modern Japanese, I do not think it is to be blamed.

It was a work that gave me a sense of how differently the film was evaluated in different countries and in different eras.

The Nest of the NoblesTurgenev, the great Russian writer

Turgenev's "The Aristocrat's Nest" Synopsis and Impressions - Turgenev's masterful feature film, highly acclaimed in Russia.

I had never heard of the novel "The Nobleman's Nest" before learning about Turgenev, but I was surprised to learn that it is one of the most popular of Turgenev's works.

The work became so popular in Russia that Dostoevsky also paid tribute to it.

Indeed, this novel was very easy to read. It moves along and is quite interesting as a novel.

FaustTurgenev, the great Russian writer

Turgenev's "Asha (One Love)" Synopsis and Comments - Famous love story translated by Futabatei Shimei.

The novel is primarily a love story between Asha and N.N., but it is still full of the beautiful descriptions of scenes that have been Turgenev's greatest appeal since the days of "The Hunter's Diary.

Dostoevsky depicts a chaotic psychological drama in which one never knows what will happen next.

In a sigh-inducingly beautiful world, Turgenev depicts the drama of two people in sweet but bitter love.

The difference between the two was very clear in this work.

FaustTurgenev, the great Russian writer

Turgenev's "Faust" Synopsis and Comments - A love story inspired by Goethe's "Faust".

Many of Turgenev's later works are depressing. It is said that this was the very period that triggered this.

From this point on, a sense of resignation, "I have to give up," came over Turgenev strongly.

This is another area where we can see a big difference between him and the intense Dostoevsky.

Turgenev has a bird's eye view of the times and, like a wise man with a clear vision, loses himself in a quiet melancholy.

I read this piece with the thought that these differences are evident in literature as well.

lujingTurgenev, the great Russian writer

Turgenev's "Luzhin" Synopsis and Impressions - The masterpiece that spawned the Russian Hamlet "The Extraordinaire"!

Like "Ahibiki," this work was translated by Futabatei Shimei and was known in Japan from early on.

The protagonist of this work, Loo Jin, is a charming, good-natured boy who quickly charms the countryside with his sophisticated behavior and overwhelming oratorical talents.

But what a sad and empty person he really was. He had no firm will and was a social misfit who could not get along anywhere in society.

muumuu (Hawaiian clothing)Turgenev, the great Russian writer

Synopsis of Turgenev's "Mumu" - A sad story of a serf and a puppy

This work seems to me to be one of the most dramatic of Turgenev's works.

The simple goodness of the gerashim, and their counterparts, the female landlords and stewards.

And above all, the heartwarming days with puppy Mumu.

However, these happy days unexpectedly come to an end due to the tyranny of a female landowner.

Gerasim is ordered to kill the dog. What will he do, what will happen to him when he floats his boat on the river alone away from the city, and what will happen to Mumu?

I was terrified and my heart was racing as I read.

Diary of a hunterTurgenev, the great Russian writer

Famous for Futabatei Shimei, "Aibiki" Synopsis and Impressions - A masterpiece from Turgenev's "The Hunter's Diary".

Aibiki" was introduced to Japan by Futabatei Shimei and had a great impact on the Japanese literary world. At that time, Turgenev was more popular in Japan than Dostoevsky or Tolstoy as the first Russian writer.

This "Aibiki" is probably one of Turgenev's best-known works in Japan.

It is a short story and very easy to read. It may be an excellent introduction to Turgenev. I hope you will immerse yourself in its beautiful worldview.