
lightMasterpieces by the great Russian writer Chekhov

Chekhov's "Kake" Synopsis and Impressions - A masterful short film that explores what true freedom is.

This is a short story of only about 10 pages. But it contains a surprising amount of thought in this short story.

What is true freedom? What are we trapped in?

Fear not, Chekhov...

I can still understand if it were a full-length novel, telling a long story and thinking about deep-rooted issues. But I thought it was extraordinary that he could talk about such a condensed ideological issue in a short story of about 10 pages. Chekhov really amazes me.

lightMasterpieces by the great Russian writer Chekhov

Chekhov's "Lights" Synopsis and Comments - What does Chekhov think of pessimism and nihilism?

The setting of this novel is a railroad construction site, the most advanced place of capitalist construction. There, "I" meet Ananiyev, an engineer, and Sittenberg, a student, and through their questions and answers, contemplate life.

This is a landmark work for anyone interested in Schopenhauer thought.

This is because the theme of this work is a confrontation with the Schopenhauerian pessimism of the Chekhov school.

The number of pages is also compact at about 50 pages, making it easy to read.

grasslandsMasterpieces by the great Russian writer Chekhov

Chekhov's "Plain (Steppe)" Synopsis and Impressions - A masterpiece that beautifully depicts the great Russian nature!

The Plain" was based on Chekhov's actual travels and observations.

Importantly, this work marked the beginning of Chekhov's emergence on the literary scene as a first-class Russian writer.

Until this work, Chekhov had been publishing his works under the pen name "A Chekhonte. As the pen name "Chekhonte" suggests, Chekhov had a humorist's air, as if he were being somewhat silly.

However, from this work he will no longer be known as "A Chekhonte" but as "Anton Chekhov," his real name.

This work is very important to Chekhov's awakening as a writer.

People in costumeMasterpieces by the great Russian writer Chekhov

Chekhov's "People in Disguise" Synopsis and Impressions - If you want to know what makes Chekhov tick, start with this film.

The gap between what we see and what is true.

In fact, it is the things that seem enviable, especially from the outside, that are actually the true forms of sadness. This is what I am reminded of.

The characteristics of Chekhov's literature are very clear in this work.

It is a short story with all of Chekhov's character. Highly recommended.

Masterpieces by the great Russian writer Chekhov

To understand the characteristics of Chekhov's literature - Chekhov as a doctor

As we look at Chekhov's work, the most unique aspect of his personality is that he was a doctor.

He was a doctor but also worked as a writer. This was a very rare case even at that time. In this issue, we will talk a little about Chekhov the doctor.

Chekhov as a physician carries a great deal of weight when considering his literary works.

Keeping this in mind will help you enjoy Chekhov's works more when you read them.

The World of Chekhov's ArtMasterpieces by the great Russian writer Chekhov

Seiro Sato, "The World of Chekhov's Art" - If you want to know the ideas in Chekhov's works, this is the book for you!

When I read Chekhov's works, I often felt as if this were a Buddhist book.

He had written stories that were so Buddhist that his novels could be used directly as Buddhist textbooks. This was a surprise.

The World of Chekhov's Art" provides an easy-to-understand explanation of why Chekhov came to have such ideas.

I will introduce Chekhov's works in the future, but basically I would like to read them with reference to this work.

Masterpieces by the great Russian writer Chekhov

Virgil Tanaz, "Chekhov" - Recommended biography of the great Russian writer Chekhov.

This biography is a concise and accessible summary of Chekhov's life and is a great way to learn about the kind of writer he was and the kind of life he led.

For myself, this was the first book I picked up on Chekhov that was written.

I read this book with no idea what kind of person Chekhov was, but it was so easy to read and full of interesting discoveries that I finished it in no time at all. It is so interesting that I got absorbed in the book.

ChekhovMasterpieces by the great Russian writer Chekhov

Chekhov, a Writer Representing the Late Imperial Russia - For Understanding Russia after the Death of Dostoevsky

Chekhov was born in 1860. In other words, he spent his youth at the height of Russian literature, and by the time he came of age and made his debut as a writer, he was in the midst of a period that was marked by change.

By studying Chekhov, we can see the historical background of the time and how Dostoevsky and Tolstoy were perceived by the Russians. This is also significant for studying Dostoevsky.

Above all, Chekhov himself is by far the most fascinating writer. This is what it all boils down to.

SchopenhauerLearning from the Philosopher Schopenhauer

What is the Meaning of Life? How to Live in an Age of Despair - My Thoughts on Reading Schopenhauer

It was quite a demanding time reading, thinking about, and writing about Schopenhauer's book. I felt several times more fatigued and depressed than usual.

But that is why I also felt that we must overcome Schopenhauer's pessimism. I felt once again that Dostoevsky and Tolstoy were the great predecessors of Schopenhauer's pessimism. I felt as if I understood a little why the great writers of that era were so earnest in their contemplation of "life.

It was precisely because it was a time of despair that they were serious about "living. And they were putting their struggles into literature.