
Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Darwin's "Origin of Species" Summary and Comments - The Theory of Evolution, which transformed world thought and worldview. And its relationship to Marx.

This work is a scientific book, so it is not surprising that there is almost no narrative, no storytelling to draw the reader in. The words are simply laid out in a straightforward manner.

But in the midst of these bland and difficult sentences, powerful words like "natural selection," "struggle," "evolution," and "natural selection" appear from time to time.

These words will stand alone as a "summary" of this vast and difficult book.

For me, it was a very interesting experience to read this book while thinking about the reasons why it has taken the world by storm.

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Jacques Barzun, "Darwin, Marx, Wagner: A Critique of the Intellectual Heritage" - Why did they take the world by storm? A masterful book that uncovers the secrets of their work!

This book was an exciting work that explained what I most wanted to know: why Darvin and Marx took the world by storm so much! This is interesting!

I have referred to this work in my previous reading of Marx's "Capitalism".

The author's theory that "The Theory of Capital" is so difficult to understand and so vast that "its incomprehensibility, on the contrary, was a major reason why the world treated it like a Bible" was very interesting.

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Marx, "Wage Labor and Capital" Summary and Comments - Marx's synonym for "surplus value". A highly regarded work as an introduction to The Theory of Capital.

Indeed, there are points in this work that make me think, "I see what you mean," and it is written in a way that makes it easy to understand how exploitation takes place.

However, whether it is really a correct theory is something that must be tested quite rigorously.

If Marx's theory were so weak that it could be easily contradicted, it would not have had such an impact on the world. After all, Marx's theory is difficult. But despite this, it has an overwhelming power of agitation to move people. I felt that this is the strength of Marx's thought.

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Marx, "Louis Bonaparte's 18 Days of Brumaire" - Marx's analysis of Napoleon III's coup d'etat.

In this work we get to know Marx the journalist, not Marx the giant thinker who wrote "Capitalism".

Marx goes back to 1848 to discuss how the December 1851 coup d'état took place and what the underlying circumstances were.

Read social trends, analyze them thoroughly, and present them in print.

I felt that it was because of Marx as such a journalist that the later "Capitalism" was written.

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Marx Engels' "Communist Manifesto" Summary and Comments - Proletarians of all nations unite! What is the Marxist bible?

Marx was 30 years old when he wrote this book. It was another 19 years after that "Capitalism" was published.

Marx was already in his twenties, living in exile as a dissident journalist, but he was not world famous.

It is truly remarkable that this work written by Marx has become "the most read book of our time, except for religious books," and "a book that has been read by hundreds of millions of people around the world during the past century, and for a great many of them, memorized.

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Marx Engels, "German Ideology" - Unpublished volume known as the birth of the materialist view of history.

The German Ideology was not published during their lifetime and only saw the light of day in 1932.
I have to admit that it is tough to say whether I understand their ideas by reading this book.

However, I think that experiencing the severity of the situation was the most important thing for me this time. I am grateful to have learned that one of the difficulties of Marx-Engels is due to "the flaw of not being able to grasp the meaning and context of the text in the first place," and to have also been able to see the sheer volume of the manuscript.

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Malthus' "The Theory of Population" Summary and Comments - What is Malthus' Theory of Population, which had a great influence on Ricard and Marx?

After reading Rickard's work, Malthus's writing seems very gentle. My impression was that the book is much more readable and organized than I had imagined.

It was a gratifying experience for me to read the source of the famous "Malthusian Laws". It was also sobering for me to think that Marx and Engels were studying these works of economics so hard.

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Rickardow, "Principles of Economics and Taxation," successor to Adam Smith - major influence on Marx!

As is obvious, Marx did not create "Capitalism" and other economic theories out of nothing. Marx is an uncanny student. Marx developed his theories by reading the works of Adam Smith and Riccardo.

I think it was significant for me to read this book to learn about such aspects of Marx.

I myself found the book too difficult and was completely out of my depth, but Ulrike Hermann's commentary helped me to understand the great significance of the book.

This book is recommended to be read with the commentary.

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations" Summary and Comments - Classical economic theory, famous for "The Invisible Hand". Is this book to blame for capitalism run amok?

This book was written about 90 years before Marx wrote Capital. Naturally, Marx had also read the works of Adam Smith.

Marx is often thought of as the creator of original theories on capital and famous terms such as "surplus value," but I learned that he did not suddenly come up with "a new theory that no one in history had ever thought of before," but that these are ideas that he arrived at through the course of the history of economics. I was able to learn that he did not suddenly come up with a new theory that no one in history had ever thought of.

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Summary and Comments on Takuo Dome's "Adam Smith" - Recommended reference book to clear up the misunderstanding of the "Invisible Hand".

This work is a reference work on Scottish economist Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments and The Wealth of Nations.

Adam Smith is famous for "The Invisible Hand of God.

However, the greatest benefit of this book is that this "invisible hand" is misunderstood in the common understanding.

What did Adam Smith really want to say in his "The Wealth of Nations"? That is what we will be looking at closely in this book.