
Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(44) Marx Engels awaits economic depression in England in exile since the 1850s.

According to the historical materialism of Marx Engels, it was argued that capitalism by the bourgeoisie would be overthrown by the proletariat revolution triggered by economic depression.

Therefore, economic recession is essential to the revolution. Without it, nothing can begin.

However, this was not the case, as the revolution would naturally come as long as there was an economic recession, and they were eagerly awaiting this situation.

However, the long-awaited economic recession came, and the results were quite different from what they had expected!

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(43) Marx and the British Museum Library - Marx, the devilish reader who devoted 12 hours a day to research

Marx was a voracious reader. Holed up in the British Museum Library, Marx dove into a sea of books...

He writes a manuscript, tears it up, writes it down, tears it up again, and just when you think he's come up with something, he dives back into the world of books and gets lost in another digression....

It is no wonder that Engels, who is waiting for the manuscript, is so saddened by this...he is the very editor who is pushed around by the writers who don't send in their manuscripts.

However, it was a great experience for me to learn about Marx's genius and madness.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(42) Was Marx actually not poor? ~Bourgeois Spending and Ruinous Money

Engels went to work for his father's cotton mill and took a high salary of 300 pounds from his starting salary and later became a high earner with an annual income of 1,000 pounds. In terms of today's monetary value, this amounts to about 15 million yen.

And the financial aid Marx received from him is said to have been at least 45 million yen over a period of 20 years. Why did Marx still suffer from poverty? That's what we will look at in this article.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(41) The awkward truth that "Capitalism" was written with money obtained through the exploitation of workers

The awkward truth is that Engels's rich income was a direct result of his exploitation of the Manchester proletariat's labor force."

The very evils he and Marx condemned in such detail were financing their lifestyle and philosophy."

Engels worked for his father's company and sent the money to Marx. The contradiction that two people who were attacking capitalists for exploiting workers were living exactly that way is discussed in the section you are about to read.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(40) Victorian Prosperity in England and the Rise of Workers' Living Standards: The Bourgeoisification of the Proletariat

During Engels' time (1843-44) Manchester was a hell on earth. His book "The Condition of the Working Class in England" was an indictment of such miserable conditions. This work was highly praised by Marx and had a great influence on "The Communist Manifesto" and "Capitalism.

By the 1950s, however, such depictions were completely outdated. In the years of Engels' absence, England had changed radically.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(38) The Impact of the French February Revolution of 1848 and Engels on the Revolutionary Battlefield

Marx Engels, who had been waiting for the revolution, was in Brussels and could not be present, but they are eagerly engaged in political activities for the proletariat revolution that will come as an inevitable part of history.

However, the revolutions that took place throughout Europe in the wake of the French February Revolution of 1848 began to take a very different turn than Marx Engels had anticipated.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(37) The shocking fact that Marx's proletariat was a creation of revolutionary theory






Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(36) The surprising fact that Marx's "Communist Manifesto" received no public response immediately after its publication.

"A specter haunts Europe-the specter of communism."

Workers of all nations, unite!"


This article looks at how this famous work, one of the most read books of the 20th century, came to be.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(35) What was Engels' private life in Paris filled with contradictions - What did Marx Engels really want?

At the end of my last article, I mentioned that Engels' ideal was that he wanted workers to be poorer and at the bottom of the barrel.

I also told you that I was uncomfortable with the way Marx Engels showed passages that seemed to rejoice the worse people's lives became.

Are they really working for the workers? They will continue to act in ways that make us think so. One example of such behavior is shown in the following passage.