
Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(54) Engels quitting the company in 1869 - freeing himself from his long-desired position as an exploiter.

Engels left his father's firm in Manchester in 1869 after almost 20 years of service.

Engels first found employment as a correspondent, but his father had already passed away, and he now held the position of co-owner of the Elmen & Engels Trading Company.

Finally, Engels is a free man.

He had left for London to live near Marx and to do political work.

It was a fresh start for Engels. It was here that his success finally began to grow.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(53) Marx, impressed by "The Origin of Species," dedicates "Capitalism" to Darwin. How was his reaction?

Marx was introduced to "The Origin of Species" at the recommendation of Engels. Engels was far more enthusiastic about the book than Marx, but it seems that Marx was also greatly moved by the theory of evolution.

Marx was so impressed with Darwin that he offered him a copy of Capital. What was Darwin's reaction?

I will discuss that in this article.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(52) The genius of Marx's propagandist Engels' advertising skills - Without him, Marx's thought would not prosper.

We tend to look at Marx with the knowledge of history that "Marx later spread throughout the world," but the situation at the time was quite different.

Sensing that he might be ignored at this point, Engels shows his talent here.

Engels did not hesitate to use a variety of media strategies, even self-produced ones. It was Engels who created "Capitalism," more than "a mere book on economics," but truly "the bible from which all things flow.

Without Engels, there would be no Marx!

One can only be amazed at Engels' prodigious abilities as a general strategist.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(51) Engels, who had already edited a huge manuscript at the stage of the first volume of Capital

Marx's "Capitalism" is famously difficult to read, but it was surprising to learn that Marx's original manuscript was far more difficult to decipher. Engels's reconstruction of this difficult to decipher manuscript in a barely readable form is what we have in our hands.

It is well known that the second and third volumes of Capital were edited by Engels, but Engels had made a great contribution to the first volume as well.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(50) A brief overview of the process of writing Marx's Capital!

Marx studied the works of economists such as Adam Smith and Ricard, and combined them with Hegelian philosophy to create his own theory.

This was a method that was not readily apparent to economists who specialize in economics or philosophers who explore only philosophy.

Rather than creating a new theory on his own, Marx may be said to have created a new one by successfully synthesizing existing ones.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(49) Death of Mistress Mary Burns - The Greatest Crisis of Engels-Marx Friendship

One day in 1863, Engels' mistress Mary Burns died suddenly.

Engels is shocked by the sudden separation.

But what an unkind remark Marx made in response...even Engels was outraged.

From Marx's point of view, it would have been inconceivable that Engels, who had been playing around without a formal marriage, would have loved Mary Burns so much. If their relationship had not been restored after this, "Capitalism" might never have been published.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(48) The elegant social life of Engels, who became upper class in England.

So far we have seen the life of Engels, but as I said, he was a very good businessman with a very good practical and social talent. He was also a trusted figure in Manchester's social circles and held a number of positions.

He is a strange figure, full of contradictions, but I can't help but feel that there is something fascinating about his scale.

It was very interesting to see Engels' face as a bourgeois socialite in this section.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(47) Marx and his reaction to the publication of "The Eighteenth of Louis Bonaparte's Brumaire" in 1852.

Surprisingly, although this work is now very well known, it received little response immediately after publication.

Even "The Communist Manifesto," which until a few decades ago was read like a bible, received little response immediately after its publication. It is perhaps not surprising that this work did not gain much traction.

However, it is noteworthy that after Marx's death, his works became bizarrely acclaimed. It is noteworthy that after Marx's death, his works became unusually highly acclaimed. Marx is a typical example.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(46) Engels blackmails the production of "Capitalism" - Their joint work and Engels' contribution

Today, Marx is a household name known throughout the world, but not so during his lifetime.

And since he began his exile in London, he is one of countless political prisoners. If I stayed in that situation, I would not be able to do what I need to do.

Marx was too much of a perfectionist to finish his work, sinking from one book to the next.

So Engels blackmailed Marx.

After all, Marx is not only Marx. I feel that Marx is not only Marx, but also his ally Engels.