Abe Koubou

Woman of the SandYukio Mishima and Japanese Literature

Kobo Abe's "The Woman in the Dunes" Synopsis and Impressions - Internationally acclaimed masterpiece! What is Kafkaesque worldview and international literature?

This work, "The Woman in the Dunes," is an internationally acclaimed masterpiece that has been translated into more than 20 countries.

The story itself is just as simple! The main character suddenly wanders into a dune and is unreasonably trapped in a house in a hole. He struggles to escape from the hole surrounded by sand walls.

The "Box Man" introduced in the previous article had a difficult storyline and was so strange that it was considered a problematic work, but the current work, "The Woman in the Sand," is very easy to read.

However, the absurd worldview typical of Kobo Abe is still present.

This was a valuable read for me as it got me thinking about the international nature of literature. This was an enjoyable read.

man who carries a geisha's shamisenYukio Mishima and Japanese Literature

Kobo Abe's "Box Man" Synopsis and Impressions - A dazzling world if you wear a box? A major influence on MGS director Hideo Kojima!

The current work, "Box Man," is indescribably exciting.

First of all, the title is a mystery to begin with. What is "The Box Man"?

I had only heard of Kobo Abe's "Hakon Otoko," but now I finally decided to read it for myself.

I had thought it was some kind of conceptual story in the image of Chekhov's "The Man in the Box," but I was surprised when I read it and found that it was really a story about a man who physically wore a box!

I highly recommend this work. I read this work as part of my study of Yukio Mishima, and it was a very enjoyable read as I could feel the differences in his style.