Yukio Mishima

Ganges (river)Third Indian Expedition - Journey to Places Related to Buddha

(93) Varanasi, early morning on the Ganges River - Like an impressionist painting! The Ganges at sunrise from the boat


Travels in Sri Lanka, the Holy Land of Buddhism

(63) Visiting the grave of Yukio Mishima at Tama Cemetery - Thoughts on Mishima, who continued to question life and death

After visiting the site of Yukio Mishima's suicide at the Ichigaya Memorial Museum, I headed directly to the Tokyo Metropolitan Tama Cemetery.

The purpose is, of course, to visit the grave of Yukio Mishima.

Yukio Mishima has become a huge presence in my life. I wanted to leave for India after greeting Yukio Mishima, who had died a spectacular death.

Travels in Sri Lanka, the Holy Land of Buddhism

(62) Visit the site of Yukio Mishima's suicide and the Ichigaya Memorial Hall of the Self-Defense Forces Ichigaya Camp (now the Ministry of Defense)

The tour at the Ichigaya Memorial Museum was a wonderful experience, where we could feel Mishima's admiration for "power" and his last moments. I would highly recommend this tour to anyone interested in Yukio Mishima.

I will never forget the time I spent in this room. Mishima died here. I am truly grateful that this place is still here.

Ichigaya Memorial HallTravels in Sri Lanka, the Holy Land of Buddhism

(61) Yukio Mishima's Fierce Final Days! What was happening at the site of his suicide that day?

After returning from Sri Lanka, I was furiously learning about Yukio Mishima, but there was one place I really wanted to visit before leaving for India. I wanted to visit a place before I left India, and that was the Self-Defense Forces Ichigaya Camp, the site of Yukio Mishima's suicide. In this article, I will take a closer look at the background of the Mishima Incident, or the Tatenokai Incident, as it is called.

Travels in Sri Lanka, the Holy Land of Buddhism

(59) After all, Yukio Mishima was exceptional! The overwhelming power of his brush strokes gives the impression of Dostoevskian black magic.

After visiting the University of Tokyo's Yasuda Auditorium, I finally returned to Hakodate and continued reading furiously without a break.

Finally, I picked up Yukio Mishima's masterpiece "The Temple of the Golden Pavilion". This was my first Mishima work....

I once called "Crime and Punishment" "Dostoevsky's black magic. And I am convinced that Yukio Mishima's "The Temple of the Golden Pavilion" is just such a work!

DisneyDreamland Disneyland Research

List of recommended commentaries on Disney as religious thought, history, and art

I think Japan is one of the countries in the world where Disney is unparalleled. I love Disney, too.

However, its popularity cannot be dismissed merely in terms of entertainment. There is no doubt that you will enjoy Disney even more if you know more about its history and depth.

In this article, we will introduce some recommended books that will also help you learn about Disney's history and philosophy.

Yukio MishimaYukio Mishima and Japanese Literature

List of 15 recommended works of Yukio Mishima and commentaries - Interesting works of Yukio Mishima, one of Japan's most famous writers, and his epic life.

This article will introduce recommended works and commentaries by Yukio Mishima.

It was my blessing to have met the extraordinary giant that is Yukio Mishima.

Mishima literature may seem obscure, but if you start with a solid introduction, you will be able to enjoy its charms more than enough. It is truly the black magic of Mishima literature. I highly recommend this author.