Lugon McCall Series

zoraEmile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Zola's "The Birth of the House of Lugon" Synopsis and Impressions - Shockingly interesting! A masterpiece that brings to life the beginning of Napoleon's Second Empire! It all started here!

The Birth of the House of Lugon was published in 1871 as the first volume of Emile Zola's monumental Lugon-Macquart series, which took 24 years to complete.

This book is a masterpiece among Zola's works that I especially recommend!

I can't tell you how many times I groaned in my heart when I read it and said, "Ahhh, that's just what Dr. Zola did!" I can't tell you how many times I groaned in my heart! The choice of words, the rhythm of the sentences, and the exquisitely positioned expressions that appeal to the five senses are all in full bloom in this work. To be honest, I prefer this work to "Izakaya" and "Nana". It was very interesting.

zoraEmile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Zola is the best place to learn about French society and culture in the second half of the 19th century! What is Emile Zola's "Lugon-Macquart Series"?

In my previous article, "On Emile Zola's Far More Interesting Than I Had Imagined: The Impact of 'The Tavern'," I mentioned that Emile Zola's "Lugon McCall Series" is a great way to learn about the French Second Empire and a great way to learn about Dostoevsky. I also mentioned that the "Lugon-Macquart series" by Emile Zola is a great way to learn about the French Second Empire, and that it may be very significant for learning about Dostoevsky.

In this article, I will give a brief overview of what the "Lugon McCall Series" is all about.

zoraEmile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

The Impact of "Izakaya! About the French writer Emile Zola, who was too funny.

I felt that to know Zola was to learn about French society, and consequently to learn about Dostoevsky's view of Europe, so I decided to read Zola's masterpiece "The Tavern" first.

Then I started reading this novel and I was tremendously shocked.

Zola is a fearsome writer.

This guy is definitely worth reading...

I found myself intensely attracted to the writer Emile Zola.

Zola and DostoevskyEmile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

French writer Emile Zola and Dostoevsky If you know Zola, you know Dostoevsky!

The French Second Empire is a very important period directly related to our lives.

Dostoevsky had many things to say about France.

This being the case, I thought it was very important to know the social situation, thought, and culture of France during this period in order to learn more about Dostoevsky.

What can I read to learn more about France during the Second Empire...

It was with this in mind that I came across the great French writer Emile Zola.