Lugon McCall Series

Bonheur des Dames Department StoreEmile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Zola's "Bonheur des Dames Department Store" Synopsis and Impressions - The Secret of Desire and Mass Consumption Society - To understand the origins of the department store.

This is the story referenced in "The Couple Who Invented the Department Store" by French literary scholar Shigeru Kashima.

Zola is a writer who places great importance on on-the-spot interviews, and in writing this novel, he actually went to Bon Marché, Louvre, and other department stores to conduct long-term interviews.

Reading this book will help you understand the origins of the modern society we live in.

This is where the department stores and large shopping centers that are no longer the face of the city and to which we are all indebted on a daily basis originated.

I highly recommend this work.

hotchpotchEmile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Zola's "Gotta Be a Lady" Synopsis and Impressions - A poignant film that exposes the hypocrisy of the bourgeoisie! You may play the lady, but when you peel back the layers...

This work depicts the prehistory before the story of "Bonheur des Dames Department Store" begins.

The main character, Octave Mouret, is a playboy who is beautiful and popular with the ladies. He comes to an apartment where many bourgeois people live, and he begins to have relations with their wives.

Such a relationship is, of course, playing with fire, a dangerous one, and he is hurt many times.

Through his relationships with women, however, Octave learns about women, and he is determined to pursue his long-held ambition of owning a large store.

rape (seed oil plant, Brassica campestris)Emile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

A synopsis and commentary on Zola's masterpiece "Nana" - exposes the glamorous world of stage actresses and the realities of the upper class!

Nana" is Zola's masterpiece. In this novel, Zola depicts the glamorous and debauched world of the corruption of the French Empire, the backstage of the theater and media industries of the time, and the lives of prostitutes.

If "The Stomach of Paris" is a work that exquisitely symbolizes desire in the form of "food," then "Nana" can be said to be a straightforward depiction of sexual desire.

Zola's signature cinematic descriptions are still present, and the book is easy to read.

Nana" is one of the greatest works of world literature. I highly recommend this work.

page of loveEmile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Zola's "A Page of Love" Synopsis and Impressions - Beautiful Parisian Scenes and Unforgivable Love

Zola's meticulously detailed portrayal of the female psyche brings to life the once-in-a-lifetime passion of an ordinary woman!

Paris at dusk, Paris in a storm, Paris at night - a tragic love story reminiscent of impressionist paintings, famous for its depictions of the city that trace the emotions.

The previous work "Izakaya" was so intense that it placed a heavy psychological burden on Zola himself. This is the work that was created in an attempt to change his mind and depict a sweet and lyrical view of the world. (Although it still depicts a great deal of madness and venom...)

zoraEmile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Zola's masterpiece, "The Tavern" synopsis and commentary - The Parisian worker and the inevitable hellway of alcohol, violence, poverty, and depravity.

Izakaya" was the film that got me hooked on Zola.

This work received an overwhelming response from the moment it was first published, and the situation was tremendous, with a flurry of both approval and disapproval. No other artist has so realistically portrayed the miserable life in the Parisian backstreets.

Zola's "The Tavern" caused a sensation in the French literary world, and this work helped to firmly establish Zola as a writer.

This work is recommended for an introduction to Zola!

Her Excellency Eugène Lugon.Emile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Zola's "His Excellency Eugène Lugon" Synopsis and Impressions - It's Hard to be a Politician. The Ecology and Bargaining of a Parisian Politician

What a difficult place for the protagonist, Eugène, a big-time politician, to fight.

Relationships and interests that are too complex.

How do we benefit those who support us?

We must give them the benefit of the doubt we promised them, even when they are in dire straits. But we can't. So what do we do? and constantly he is fighting.

Politicians have the qualities required in a politician. This novel made me think so.

Father Mouret's errorEmile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Zola's "Father Mouret's Error" Synopsis and Comments - Forbidden love between a strict priest and a pure maiden and its tragic ending.

This book, like its predecessor "The Conquest of Prassan," was introduced early in Russia and gained popularity due to the author's connection with Zola and the great Russian writer Turgenev.

This time it is not as sickening as the last, but we learn of Zola's assertion that the Christian beliefs of the protagonist Serge are "dead" and life-denying while he lives.

Is Christianity really dead, as Zola says? This work made me think very much about whether religion is just an escape from reality.

Conquest of PrussiaEmile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Zola's "The Conquest of Prassan" Synopsis and Impressions - A pioneering work about brainwashing and destruction by religion.

This story was the hardest one for me to read in the "Lugon Makkar Series".

It was painful to read about brainwashing by religious people so blatantly written.

However, I believe that this work depicts a truth that we should not turn away from, even if it is painful. How was religion viewed in Europe at this time? I believe that this is one of the major clues to this question.

It was just a terrific piece of work.

The Stomach of ParisEmile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Zola's "The Stomach of Paris" Synopsis and Impressions - It's like a Buddhist book! The insatiable desire of Paris to devour everything! Is appetite a sin or...

If I were asked which work in the "Lugon McCall Series" is my favorite, I would probably mention "The Stomach of Paris". It is such a brilliant depiction of human desire.

Zola's signature cinematic techniques, descriptions that stimulate the senses such as smells, and his ability to metaphorically express desires by depicting objects and animals are just a few of the many wonderful aspects of his work.

It is a wonder that this book has not been published in paperback. I really hope this book will be more widely distributed in the world.

one's share of the spoilsEmile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Zola's "Prey's Share" Synopsis and Impressions - 1850s Paris in a land speculation frenzy. A human drama in search of money and power!

In "A Share of the Prey," Aristide, the third son of the Lugon family, hungry for "money and power," sniffs out a prize of a Paris remodeling project and struggles in Paris to get a share of it.

Money, speculative fever, extravagance, lust...

Zola depicts human desire in this way as well.

It is a terrific work that lets us know the greed of man for money and the desires of men and women. I highly recommend it!