
Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Reading Augustine's "The Kingdom of God: Its Conception and Theology" - What is the Christian Father's philosophy that is also connected to Marx's view of history?

I was very surprised to learn that Augustine's "The Kingdom of God" was related to the barbarian invasion that triggered the fall of the Roman Empire.

And it is very important to note that Augustine refers to history as "the course by which God's eternal plan is realized. This is precisely the connection with Hegel's view of history. Marx is not God, but he is very much influenced by this view of history.

This book shows how Hegel and Marx were influenced by Plato and Augustine. This has been a very interesting read!

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Marx Engels, "German Ideology" - Unpublished volume known as the birth of the materialist view of history.

The German Ideology was not published during their lifetime and only saw the light of day in 1932.
I have to admit that it is tough to say whether I understand their ideas by reading this book.

However, I think that experiencing the severity of the situation was the most important thing for me this time. I am grateful to have learned that one of the difficulties of Marx-Engels is due to "the flaw of not being able to grasp the meaning and context of the text in the first place," and to have also been able to see the sheer volume of the manuscript.

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Marx's "Introduction to Hegel's Critique of Legal Philosophy" Summary and Comments - What does "Religion is Opium" mean?

When we hear the phrase "religion is opium," we tend to take it to mean that religion makes people crazy. However, Marx did not say "religion is opium" for the sake of saying such a thing.

This article looks at why such a phrase "religion is opium" was spoken.

The phrase "religion is opium" was very harsh for me as a monk. It was a great experience for me to know why Marx said it that way and what he intended to say.

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Feuerbach, "The Essence of Christianity" - A work that strongly influenced Marx! Feuerbach claims that "man made God."




Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(11) Feuerbach's materialism - Marx's "religion is opium" was born here.

I will discuss in this article the flow of Strauss, Bruno Bauer, and Feuerbach, who had a tremendous influence on the young Marcus Engels.

Marx's famous statement, "Religion is opium," comes from Feuerbach's thought, which is presented here.

It was clear to me that Marx-Engels did not create a system of thought from nothing, but rather developed it by absorbing the theories of other thinkers active at the time.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(4) German Romanticism, the Gale - The baptism of Romanticism that greatly influenced Marx Engels and other young men.

What is the nature of German Romanticism, the gale that had a tremendous impact on the world of German thought in the 18th and 19th centuries?

This article looks at the characteristics of this period, which saw the emergence of such distinguished faces as Goethe, Schiller, Hegel, Hoffmann, Beethoven, and the Brothers Grimm.

Marx Engels was also born as a child of these times. It is very important to understand the background of their thought.

British and German Literature, History and Culture

Ikuo Ishii, "Kant's Life: The Gigantic Reservoir of Philosophy" - Recommended Kant biography to learn about the person and historical background.

This biography is a great introduction to Kant. The book gives a clear explanation of who Kant was in the first place, what kind of environment he was born in, and what his life was like. In any case, it is an easy read.

Kant has the image of a difficult philosopher. I have tried many times to read Kant's writings, but each time I bounced back and failed.

Anyway, it is difficult to understand! Canto was a huge wall for me as well.

But even so, I wondered if there was any way I could learn a little bit about Kant, so I picked up this book.

And this book has met my expectations with flying colors. I would highly recommend this biography.

British and German Literature, History and Culture

H. Althouse, "Biography of Hegel: The Heroic Age of Philosophy" - A new biography of Hegel that approaches Hegel's personality.

When you read this biography, you immediately notice that its atmosphere is quite different from that of Rosenkranz's "Biography of Hegel".

While Rosenkranz's "Biography of Hegel" devotes a considerable amount of time to issues of Hegel's thought, Althouse's biography carefully follows his life, how he interacted with people, and what events influenced him.

This makes it possible to follow Hegel's life like a story. Frankly, it is considerably easier to read and more interesting than Rosenkranz's "Biography of Hegel".

In addition, I appreciated learning about his relationship with Marx and other influences on the world that followed in this biography.