
Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Adam Smith's "The Theory of Moral Sentiments" Summary and Comments - A great book for our time! Examines the nature of human morality and the sympathetic heart!

What is the essence of human morality? And what is empathy, which plays a major role in it?

Adam Smith makes it clear in this work.

What struck me when I read the book was the keenness of Adam Smith's observations.

There were many times when I couldn't help but groan as I read, "He's watching so well!

I used the word "surprised" a lot in this article, but I can't help it. In fact, I was surprised by this book. That's how big the impact of this book was.

This is a great book! I highly recommend you to read this work! I recommend it!

Shinran and Dostoevsky

My Round-the-World Journey, Don Quixote's Ideals, and Dostoevsky: My Encounter with Dostoevsky (3)

After returning from my trip around the world in 2019, I met many children through temple events.

And they led to my reunion with Dostoevsky. This was my second encounter with Dostoevsky.

From this time to the present, I have continued my research on Dostoevsky.

As I studied him, it became clear that Dostoevsky and Shinran Shonin, the founder of Jodo Shinshu, had remarkable things in common. The meaning of studying Dostoevsky is becoming more and more significant.