
colomboTravels in Sri Lanka, the Holy Land of Buddhism

(32) A Brief History of Sri Lanka's Colonial Period - The Historical Background of the Emergence of the Dharmapala

Dharmapala had a decisive impact on the Sri Lankan Civil War.

He did not suddenly appear out of thin air either. He came into existence because of the historical background of Sri Lanka at that time.

In this article, I will briefly discuss the colonial period in Sri Lanka, which is also important for the history of Dharmapala and Sri Lankan Buddhism.

Don QuixoteDon Quixote, the beloved itinerant knight.

List of recommended reference books and commentary articles on "Don Quixote" - The world's greatest novel is still interesting! The more you know about it, the more you enjoy its charm!

Don Quixote" is interesting! There is no doubt about this.

And it is not only interesting, but its depth is also extraordinary. It has been loved by great people all over the world.

To enjoy "Don Quixote" even more, this article introduces recommended books!

heck-bent on robbing a robberYukio Mishima and Japanese Literature

Ryunosuke Akutagawa's "Jigoken" Synopsis and Impressions - To complete the picture of hell, one must see hell... A masterpiece depicting the madness of a genius painter!

When I read this work, I find myself surrounded by tension as if I am watching a suspenseful movie. It is not so bad until the genius painter Yoshihide chains up his apprentice or sparks an owl. It's just like, "Here we go again with Yoshihide's eccentricities. But from there, a strange feeling of foreboding gradually emerges in our minds, and it becomes more and more eerie. We start to get nervous, thinking, "No way, what is Yoshihide trying to do? This style of storytelling, which gradually and progressively builds up fear and anxiety, is a model of vivid storytelling that can be said to be a model of mystery. This is indeed Ryunosuke Akutagawa.

This work even shows Akutagawa's ambition: "An artist of words can perfectly portray a mad painter who is trying to create a perfect picture.

It is easy to see why this work is regarded as a masterpiece among Akutagawa's literature.

coffee goes around, world history goes aroundBuddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

Ryuichiro Usui, "Coffee Turns and World History Turns" - Western modern society changed by coffee! A recommended book to learn about world history from the perspective of coffee!

As the subtitle of this book, "Coffee Turns and World History Turns," states, "The Black Blood of Modern Civil Society," it is a work that allows us to see how coffee has influenced modern society.

It is also very exciting to learn more about the coffee situation not only in England but also in France, Germany, and other countries. Coffee was also a major factor in the French Revolution and Napoleon.

A great piece of "world history through coffee." This is interesting! As a coffee lover, this was a very exciting book for me.

A Global History of ChocolateBuddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

Naoko Takeda, "The World History of Chocolate" - Recommended commentary book to learn about the transition of chocolate from modern to contemporary times and surprising information about Kit Kat.

Chocolate, with which we are all familiar, is a product of modernity. Especially with the Industrial Revolution in England, chocolate began to take on a very different meaning. This book is a very exciting way to learn about this process.

Also, as mentioned in the title of this article, this book also provides the history of Kit Kat, which we are all familiar with.

This book makes it clear that the rise in popularity of these chocolate confections was precisely the result of modernization.

This book is highly recommended to learn about the origins of chocolate, which is directly related to our daily lives. If you read this book together with "The History of Chocolate" introduced in the previous issue, you will surely deepen your understanding of chocolate even more.

The Legacy of Buddhist ModernismBuddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

Yoshio Sugimoto, "The Legacy of Buddhist Modernism" - Why did the Sri Lankan Civil War Occur? Buddhist Nationalism and the Link Between Religion and Violence

Sri Lankan scholar Ovesekara called the Sri Lankan Buddhism created by Dharmapala "Protestant Buddhism (Reform Buddhism). Sri Lankan Buddhism may give the impression that it is the inheritance of the oldest Buddhism, but in fact it was not, but rather a movement that became active in the 19th century. This book takes a detailed look at the history of how Buddhism and Sinhalese nationalism became linked and led to civil war. In particular, we will take a close look at the life of Dharmapala, as if he were a biography. The book is a unique history of Sri Lankan Buddhism.

Travels in Rome" - Charms of the Theater City of Rome and Pilgrimage to Bernini

(32) Bernini, who incorporated the Jesuit Church of Jez and its founder Ignatius de Loyola's "Spiritual Manipulation" meditation method into his sculptures.

In this article, I will discuss the "Spiritual Manipulation" meditations of Ignatius de Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, who greatly influenced Bernini's art, and the Church of Jez, his headquarters.

The Jesuits were the order to which Xavier belonged. And I was surprised to learn, too, that the Jesuits were founded in 1534, and were officially approved by Pope Paulus V in 1540, a rather recent date. Xavier was one of its founding members. When we think of the Jesuits, we tend to think of colonial strategies and political aspects, but in fact, there was also a strong emphasis on meditation and religious practice. And Bernini was a man who valued such religious practices in his daily life, and this was clearly expressed in his works. I think this is a very important point.

Travels in Rome" - Charms of the Theater City of Rome and Pilgrimage to Bernini

(1) Gateway of Rome, Porta del Popolo and Piazza del Popolo - A stroke of the eye that instantly draws the traveler in! What is the true essence of Rome as a theater city!

The memorable first installment of my Rome travelogue is the Gate of Popolo and Piazza del Popolo, the gateway to Rome.

I also came to the Porta del Popolo by subway from Termini station.

Goethe and Stendhal passed through here. Dostoevsky and Mendelssohn, two of my favorites, would have passed through here.

For me, Rome is the city of Bernini and the city that Goethe praised. The beginning is the key to everything. It was a very encouraging first day for my future stay in Rome.