
Berger FFDostoevskyism

Berdyaev, "Dostoevsky's Worldview" - A classic in the study of Dostoevsky's thought by an exiled Russian philosopher.

In the suffering of life, there is light, there is salvation. Taking on suffering as suffering, that is where the salvation of Dostoevsky's works lies, according to Berdyaev.

Dostoevsky is a writer with a strong image of having written only heavy and dark works, but he clearly states that this is not the true Dostoevsky. Herein lies the distinctive feature of his view of Dostoevsky.

It is even more interesting to read the book in contrast with Kudryavtsev's "Revolution or God: Dostoevsky's Worldview," which highlights the differences in their respective ideas.


Kudryavtsev, "Revolution or God - Dostoevsky's Worldview -" This is the book to know the Soviet image of Dostoevsky

This book, along with the previously mentioned "The Watcher and the Seeker: Turgenev and Dostoevsky" by Seiro Sato, was a terrific book. I highly recommend reading the two books as a set. I highly recommend you to read the two books as a set, which will deepen the meaning of this book.

It is very easy to understand how Dostoevsky became Sovietized during the Soviet era. And you can also learn how the theory that Dostoevsky was a non-believer came about. This was very interesting to me as I wanted to learn about Dostoevsky and Christianity. It was so interesting that it made me fall asleep much later at night. I couldn't possibly cut off the book in the middle of reading it. That's how great this book is.

virgin soilTurgenev, the great Russian writer

Turgenev's "The Virgin Land" Synopsis and Impressions - A great film about the Narodniki youth of the 1970s in Russia.

It was exactly around 1870 that Dostoevsky's "Evil Spirits" was written.

This overlaps exactly with the youth of the 1970s that Turgenev was trying to portray.

Turgenev described a stream of militants who believed in socialist ideology infiltrating rural villages and starting riots.

In contrast, Dostoevsky depicted the havoc and gruesome events of socialist revolutionaries in a certain city.

Although the stage is different, the two share a common awareness of the issues.

Although "Evil Spirits" is by far the more outstanding in terms of the seriousness and gruesomeness of the story, the perspective of "The Virgin Land" is also very interesting. I feel that by looking at the works of two people with different literary styles, we can learn more deeply about the human spirit of this era.

Ivan the TerribleRussian History and Culture and Dostoevsky

Tyrant? A tyrant! What is the chaotic spirit of Ivan the Terrible? The key to the mystery of Russia!

It was gratifying to learn about this man in considering the enigmatic works of Dostoevsky.

I highly recommend "Ivan the Terrible" simply because it is a very interesting read and historical tale. To know him is not only to learn about the "old history of the past", but it is also a clue to our world today.

He is that suggestive.

I hope everyone will experience the overwhelming scale of Ivan the Terrible.

KremlinRussian History and Culture and Dostoevsky

Catherine Meridale, "The Kremlin: A History of the Red Walls" - The "Moscow Kremlin" as Ideology

To know history is to know the present.

How was the history compiled and what was its intent?

Although this book is about learning the history of the Kremlin, it is actually a work that reveals the "present" of present-day Russia, or rather, not only that, but of people around the world. This is very interesting.

This book is a great way to learn about the history and spirit of Russia through the Kremlin. It was a very thrilling and interesting book. I highly recommend it!

The Brothers KaramazovDostoevsky's works

The Brothers Karamazov Synopsis and Comments - Dostoevsky's greatest work! What is God? What is life? What is freedom?

It has been 120 years since "The Brothers Karamazov" was first published. There is a good reason why it continues to be loved by many people even after such a long time has passed.

I think it is because of the charm of this story, something that appeals to readers, that it continues to be read in this way.

The Brothers Karamazov is one of my favorite Dostoevsky works and one to which I have a strong emotional attachment.

Although it is difficult to pick up this work because it is a full-length novel, I heartily recommend it.

evil spiritDostoevsky's works

Dostoevsky's "Evil Spirits" Synopsis and Impressions - Dostoevsky's masterpiece exposes the gruesome reality of revolutionaries.

The magical power of this work is immeasurable.

Strong-willed characters clash and assert themselves on a single stage.

As if possessed by an "evil spirit," the villains cleverly and cruelly plunge society into chaos. The process is so realistic that it made my stomach churn with emotion.

The story soon progresses to an ultimate showdown between life and death, and one cannot take one's eyes off what will happen next, or what is going on in their hearts.

This is a terrific piece of work.

Her Excellency Eugène Lugon.Emile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Zola's "His Excellency Eugène Lugon" Synopsis and Impressions - It's Hard to be a Politician. The Ecology and Bargaining of a Parisian Politician

What a difficult place for the protagonist, Eugène, a big-time politician, to fight.

Relationships and interests that are too complex.

How do we benefit those who support us?

We must give them the benefit of the doubt we promised them, even when they are in dire straits. But we can't. So what do we do? and constantly he is fighting.

Politicians have the qualities required in a politician. This novel made me think so.


Fudeli, "Dostoevsky's Legacy" - Dostoevskyism of the soul by a Christian persecuted in the Soviet era.

Fudeli's "The Dostoevskii Legacy" was the book that opened my eyes.

The content is easy to read and discusses Dostoevsky's works along his life like a biography. It is also very thorough and easy to understand in terms of deepening one's understanding of the works.

This is the best book to learn about Dostoevsky's image as a Russian Orthodox religious figure.

I highly recommend this book.

CubaCuba Edition

The Connection between Communism, Capitalism, and Religion - Why I Chose Cuba: Cuba Part 6

Having discussed the history of Cuba over the past four articles, some of you may have the following questions.

'Why did I suddenly start talking so much about Cuban history? No, why Cuba in the first place? What does religion have to do with Cuba?" And.

Indeed, Cuba is not a religious sanctuary.

But for me, Cuba was a very important country to study religion.

In this article, I will talk about that "why I chose Cuba, which is not a holy place for my religion.