
University of PeradeniyaTravels in Sri Lanka, the Holy Land of Buddhism

(46) Thinking about the 1971 armed uprising by Marxist students at the University of Peradeniya in Kandy.

I have been in the process of studying Dostoevsky for the past few years, mostly European history. And now I am learning about India and Sri Lanka.

But I wondered, "What do I really know about Europe, India, and Sri Lanka? What do I think I know about Europe, India, and Sri Lanka?" Coming to the University of Peradeniya made me aware of this question once again.

DharmapalaTravels in Sri Lanka, the Holy Land of Buddhism

(33) Dharmapala and Sinhala Buddhist Nationalism: What is the major current of modern Buddhism in Sri Lanka?

In this article I will talk about a very important figure in Sri Lanka, Dharmapala. This Dharmapala is the one who advocated "Sinhala Buddhist Nationalism" that led to the Sri Lankan Civil War.

In Sri Lanka, Buddhism is integrated with nationalism and becomes the spark for ethnic conflict. We will also look at that Sinhala Buddhist nationalism.

Disney LegendsDreamland Disneyland Research

Bob Thomas, "The Disney Legend" - A biography focusing on his brother Roy, the practical man who supported Walt's genius! Genius is only as good as the people who support it!

What makes this book unique is that it focuses on Roy Disney, the brother of Walt Disney, creator of Mickey Mouse.

No matter how much creative genius Walt had, if he could not provide the funds and environment to realize it, he would be doomed. This was emphasized in Walt's biography. The genius Walt was completely blind to practical matters. He only saw the ultimate quality of his work. Walt always came up with what could only be described as reckless plans. The man behind the scenes who actually brought this project to completion, which would normally have been impossible, was another genius named Roy Disney.

Geniuses do not go out into the world alone. This book reminds us that the presence of practitioners who support them is also important.

The Zenkyoto Generation as an IdeologyYukio Mishima and Japanese Literature

Shuhei Kosaka, "Zenkyoto Generation as an Ideology" - Recommended work to feel the spirit of the times from the 60's through the author's personal narrative.

What was the student conflict?

For me, a stranger to that era, they were so mysterious and complex that I did not know how to understand them.

The book looks at the Zenkyoto and even the Red Army through the author's personal narrative.

I highly recommend this book as an introduction to Zenkyoto and the student conflict. I believe that we, the younger generation who do not know about this era, should read this book. Why not pick up a copy?

Tomorrow won't be so dark.Buddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

E. Saratchandra, "Tomorrow Is Not So Dark" Synopsis and Comments - A novel about Sri Lanka in 1971, the year of the armed uprising by Marxist students.

I cannot help but feel a sense of connection with this novel and its timing. I strongly feel that I had to read this novel before going to Sri Lanka.

This work is also a very important insight into the student conflict in Japan.

As a novel, it is very easy to read and I read through it in one sitting. He is indeed a leading Sri Lankan writer.

It was a great piece that gave me another new perspective on Sri Lanka.

I would highly recommend this work.

Capitalism and SlaveryBuddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

Eric Williams, Capitalism and Slavery - The accumulation of wealth through the slave trade and plantations brought about the Industrial Revolution!

This book is famous as a milestone work of historiography that overturned the established theories as expounded in Max Weber's "The Ethics of Protestantism and the Spirit of Capitalism".

The main theme of the book is precisely the argument that capital accumulated through the slave trade and slave plantations is what brought about the Industrial Revolution.

This book was also an exciting look at the course of history on a truly gigantic scale.

Once again, the reading made me realize the complexity and enormity of the world.

It is a superb work that destroys our preconceptions. Why not pick up a copy?

Faith in Modern ChinaChinese Buddhism, Thought and History

Ian Johnson, Faith in Modern China - A look at the reality of religious life under the Communist regime! A non-fiction book that questions what faith is all about!

The book is a work that follows the situation of religion in Communist China, where it was forbidden.

It was very interesting to learn about the current religious situation in China.

However, as was mentioned in this book, it was very scary to know that we do not know what will happen in the future because of the tight control that the Communist authorities have been exercising in recent years.

This book will give you an eye-opening glimpse of a China we never knew existed. It is full of information because the author actually did long-term, in-depth interviews. I highly recommend this book to learn about the religious situation in modern China. Why not pick up a copy?

Stalin's LibraryHistory of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

Jeffrey Roberts, "Stalin's Library" - A novel biography of Stalin from the perspective of reading. How did he view Dostoevsky?

Hating him doesn't explain why and how he went to such lengths."

This is a very important point made by the author. If we put Stalin away as just a big bad man, that is where our thinking ends.

This is a very stimulating book that looks at Stalin from the perspective of "reading" to find out why he was able to become a dictator and what was behind his success. The author's courage to attack from a minor angle, "reading," which in a sense is not easily associated with dictatorships, is nothing short of amazing. It is very innovative.

theory of the leisured classMarx Engels Writings and Related Works

Veblen, "The Theory of the Aristocracy" - The secrets of wealth, desire, and human psychology are laid bare! A masterful book full of bombshells!

No one who reads this book will ever look at the consumption of goods the same way again."

That's exactly right! In this book, there are a lot of naked bombshells that make you want to say, "You can't say that! But when you think about it, you can't help but nod your head and say, "Well, maybe Veblen is right....

There are tremendously exciting words that keep coming up in this book. I can only say that you should read and experience this. I hope you will enjoy Veblen's bombshells.

It was a real pleasure to encounter this book through Hirofumi Uzawa. It was a work that left a strong impact on me as well. I would highly recommend this work.

social common capitalMarx Engels Writings and Related Works

Hirofumi Uzawa, "Social Common Capital" - Proposals by a leading Japanese economist who was one of the first to advocate the commons!

This book was published in 2000. Now it is 2023, and I feel that the world is even worse off than the world Hirofumi Uzawa saw. What would Hirofumi Uzawa say if he were alive today? This is a big question for me to think about.

Reflect on the excesses of capitalism and rethink social common capital. This book makes it clear that this is an urgent task. It makes you think about how critical the situation is today.

This recommendation by a leading Japanese economist is so valuable.

It may be a little tough to start reading from this book suddenly, so we recommend you start with "The Man Who Fought Against Capitalism: Hirofumi Uzawa and the World of Economics" by Minoru Sasaki.