Western painting

Dreamland Disneyland Research

Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" Synopsis and Comments - Disney's original story! A masterpiece fairy tale also loved by Magritte!

I read "Alice in Wonderland" because of its relationship with Magritte, but it was deeper and more interesting than I had imagined.

I found the book's imagination, outlandish worlds, and fast-changing developments that turn our rational worldview upside down, and I found it fascinating to enjoy them.

Along with Disney films, I would recommend this film now that you are an adult.

MagritteEurope through Classical and Western Art

Koji Mori, "Magritte: The True Face Hidden in Light and Darkness" - Recommended reference book to learn about Magritte's life and the background of his works.

In this book, we get to know a different Magritte from the one who has been mythically described in the past. It is not simply a gossipy "exposing of the past," but rather a scholarly confrontation of Magritte's work from that point forward.

I highly recommend this reference book for those who want to know Magritte in more depth. Very interesting work!

Europe through Classical and Western Art

Lepine and the Glimmer of Russian Modern Painters" - A recommended guidebook on 19th century Russian painting, in which Dostoevsky also lived.

This book is a recommended guidebook that provides a general view of the Russian painting world of this period, with a focus on Repin, one of the leading Russian painters of the 19th century.

And what I appreciate about this book is that it also gives us the historical background of Russia at that time. You can learn what kind of society these painters lived in, what they wanted, and what they continued to paint and struggle for. I highly recommend this book!

Europe through Classical and Western Art

Bruegel: Transformers of Netherlandish Painting" - What are the characteristics of Bruegel's landscapes and the history of the Northern Renaissance?

This book is an excellent introduction to the work and characteristics of Bruegel, the great master of Northern Renaissance and Netherlandish painting.

One of the most impressive parts of the book is the section describing the "characteristics of Netherlandish painting. With reference to that section, this article will introduce the source of the painting style, which is quite different from that of Italian painting.

Europe through Classical and Western Art

Velázquez: Life and Works" - Famous for his masterpiece "Las Meninas"! The Spanish master who was acclaimed as "the painter of painters" by the Impressionist painter Manet.

It was very interesting to learn that Velázquez, a Spanish court painter, was influential in the formation of French Impressionism, which later swept the world.

In this book, you can enjoy a great deal of Velazquez's work. The explanations are easy to understand and you can learn about the historical background of the time, so I really appreciated this introductory book.

Europe through Classical and Western Art

El Greco: Life and Works: The Unexpected Connection between the Great Toledo Painter and Greek Orthodox Icon Painting

El Greco was a painter active in Toledo, Spain, with a distinctive touch.

He was a painter who was strongly influenced by Greek Orthodox icon painting.

It was very interesting to learn that El Greco was able to create these unique paintings because he was trained in soil different from the Italian tradition, the home of Western art.

The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Vatican, and Roman Catholicism

Caravaggio: Life and Works to Know More" - A recommended introduction to the great master of Roman Baroque art, famous for "The Call of St. Matthew"!

Caravaggio is very famous for "The Convocation of St. Matthew," one of the most famous Baroque paintings, but it was quite a shock to learn that the man who painted one of the most famous Christian paintings in the world had even committed murder and was on the run.

I appreciated this book very much, as I was able to learn about the historical background of the time. I recommend this introductory book!