Prince Shotoku Taishi

ancient BuddhismJapanese Buddhism and its History

Kazuhiko Yoshida, "Re-reading Ancient Buddhism" - A recommended reference book for learning about the introduction of Buddhism, Prince Shotoku, the Emperor and the State!

In this book, interesting points that are truly eye-opening are made more and more. The commentary on Prince Shotoku and the formation of the state and the syncretism of Shintoism and Buddhism are especially interesting. It is extremely interesting.

I am a monk of the Jodo Shinshu sect. Shinran, the founder of Jodo Shinshu, was a monk who lived from the late Heian to Kamakura periods. I often have the opportunity to listen to lectures and Dharma talks about the period in which Shinran lived, but I do not have such opportunities to learn about the historical background and Buddhism in the Nara and Heian periods, which goes back even further than that. For such a person like me, it was very gratifying to learn about Buddhism and the historical background of this period, which is also the foundation of Japanese Buddhism.

New Asian Buddhist History 11Japanese Buddhism and its History

New Asian Buddhist History 11 Japan I: Foundations of Japanese Buddhism" - A recommended reference book to learn surprising facts about the reception of Buddhism in Japan and Prince Shotoku!

Let me say this first.

This book, "New Asian Buddhist History 11 Japan I: Foundations of Japanese Buddhism" is extremely interesting!

So far in this blog, we have introduced a number of books from the first book in the "History of New Asian Buddhism" series, "History of New Asian Buddhism 01 India I: Background of the Emergence of Buddhism," all of which have been published in the "New Asian Buddhist History" series, all of which have been published in the "New Asian Buddhist History" series. Really? !" I have introduced a number of reference books since the first book in the "History of New Asian Buddhism" series, "India I: Background of the Emergence of Buddhism.

And among them, this work, "New Asian Buddhist History 11 Japan I: Foundations of Japanese Buddhism," was one of the most stimulating and interesting.

This book is a great book for learning the basics of Japanese Buddhism. It is a great book that I highly recommend. I highly recommend you to pick up a copy.