
Ganges (river)Third Indian Expedition - Journey to Places Related to Buddha

(93) Varanasi, early morning on the Ganges River - Like an impressionist painting! The Ganges at sunrise from the boat


Takahiro UedaDiary of a Monk

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Nice to meet you. My name is Takahiro Ueda, the administrator of this blog. This blog started as my attempt to look at various things in my daily life and write words with the motto of asking myself questions, as you can see in the title of the blog.

This article will give you a general guide within our blog. If you are new to our blog or wondering what to read, please read this article first.

adjantaSecond Expedition to India - Visit to the ruins in south-central India

(23) Enjoy the masterpieces of Indian Buddhist painting at the Ajanta Grottoes! Visit amazing Buddhist sites that have been forgotten for a thousand years

Sculpture by Elora. The painting is Ajanta. That's it.

For a taste of the best of Indian Buddhist art, I highly recommend seeing these two together as a set.

Ajanta was also a truly wonderful place. I will never forget the fingertips of that lotus hand bodhisattva. That ultimate point where the fingertips touch each other...! That was a miracle. It was a miracle without a doubt.

FlorenceThe Italian Renaissance and the Revolution of Knowledge

List of recommended reference books to learn about Florence - A profound world of art, history, and literature, including da Vinci, Machiavelli, and Dante.

In our previous article, we recommended reference books for learning about Rome, Italy, and in this article, we will recommend books about Florence.

Ferenze is a city of flowers where the works of Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and other unspoken masters continue to fascinate people from all over the world.

However, it is surprisingly difficult to understand the history of Florence and how art flourished in this city.

We may know the term "Renaissance art," but when it comes to the actual nature of this art, what was the background of the period in which it reached its golden age?

The more you know about Florence, the more interesting it is! We hope you will find this article useful.

Recommended Sightseeing Spots in RomeTravels in Rome" - Charms of the Theater City of Rome and Pilgrimage to Bernini

15 recommended sightseeing spots in Rome unique to monks! Taste the best of beauty from royal to maniacal churches

In this article I will introduce some of my favorite places to visit in Rome.

In this article, we will introduce not only famous churches such as St. Peter's Basilica and the Colosseum, but also maniac churches that are not often visited by tourists.

Rome is indeed a wonderful city. However, there is a trap of having too much to see and do. We hope that our blog posts will be of help to you.

heck-bent on robbing a robberYukio Mishima and Japanese Literature

Ryunosuke Akutagawa's "Jigoken" Synopsis and Impressions - To complete the picture of hell, one must see hell... A masterpiece depicting the madness of a genius painter!

When I read this work, I find myself surrounded by tension as if I am watching a suspenseful movie. It is not so bad until the genius painter Yoshihide chains up his apprentice or sparks an owl. It's just like, "Here we go again with Yoshihide's eccentricities. But from there, a strange feeling of foreboding gradually emerges in our minds, and it becomes more and more eerie. We start to get nervous, thinking, "No way, what is Yoshihide trying to do? This style of storytelling, which gradually and progressively builds up fear and anxiety, is a model of vivid storytelling that can be said to be a model of mystery. This is indeed Ryunosuke Akutagawa.

This work even shows Akutagawa's ambition: "An artist of words can perfectly portray a mad painter who is trying to create a perfect picture.

It is easy to see why this work is regarded as a masterpiece among Akutagawa's literature.