Jodo Shinshu (offshoot of the Jodo sect)

ryouzyusenThird Indian Expedition - Journey to Places Related to Buddha

(83) Mt. Reijushiyama, the holy place of Buddha's preaching - the sacred place where the Sutra of Immeasurable Life and the Lotus Sutra were written.

There are five rocky mountains in the vicinity of Rajgir (Wangshajo), one of which is Mount Reiju, famous for Buddha's preaching. This mountain has become an important sacred place for us Japanese Buddhists because it is the setting of the Sutra of Immeasurable Life and the Lotus Sutra.

In this article, I will share my experience of climbing Mt.

Buddhist Thought 8Chinese Buddhism, Thought and History

Buddhist Thought 8: Anxiety and Joyousness in the Pure Land of China" - A recommended reference book that also provides information on the thought and life of Cloudyran, Dogen, and Zenko, as well as the historical background of their lives!

In this book, you can learn not only about the thought of Shinran, Dogen, and Zhenguang, but also their lives and historical backgrounds. It is clear that Buddhism was a result of the political situation in China at that time. It was very interesting to see how Chinese Pure Land Buddhism developed in the midst of repeated warfare and suppression of Buddhism, and how, during Zendo's time, Zendo's Pure Land Buddhism gained support in the prosperous downtown area of the international city of Chang'an. It is interesting to see the connection between great historical figures and their historical backgrounds. As a Jodo Shinshu monk, I tend to spend a lot of time with Shinran and Honen, but I feel that tracing back to their origins is also very significant. It is only by tracing back to the source that we can see Shinran's characteristics and uniqueness.

In this sense, this book is a very valuable work for studying Shinran.

Buddhist Thought 5Japanese Buddhism and its History

Buddhist Thought 5: Absolute Truth - A recommended commentary to learn about the thought of the Lotus Sutra and the Tendai currents in China and Japan!

When we Japanese think of Tendai, we usually think of the Tendai Sect founded by Saicho of Enryaku-ji Temple on Mount Hiei. The teachings of the Lotus Sutra were transmitted from India to Japan via China.

This book is a recommended work to learn about the history and thought content of the "Lotus Sutra".

In addition, this book also discusses the historical background of the period, so it is fascinating to look at Tendai Buddhism from a larger perspective. I also believe that it is very important to study Tendai Buddhism and the Lotus Sutra in order to understand the foundation of Japanese Buddhism. This book is an excellent introduction to the Tendai sect and the Lotus Sutra. It is very interesting.

New Asian Buddhist History 11Japanese Buddhism and its History

New Asian Buddhist History 11 Japan I: Foundations of Japanese Buddhism" - A recommended reference book to learn surprising facts about the reception of Buddhism in Japan and Prince Shotoku!

Let me say this first.

This book, "New Asian Buddhist History 11 Japan I: Foundations of Japanese Buddhism" is extremely interesting!

So far in this blog, we have introduced a number of books from the first book in the "History of New Asian Buddhism" series, "History of New Asian Buddhism 01 India I: Background of the Emergence of Buddhism," all of which have been published in the "New Asian Buddhist History" series, all of which have been published in the "New Asian Buddhist History" series. Really? !" I have introduced a number of reference books since the first book in the "History of New Asian Buddhism" series, "India I: Background of the Emergence of Buddhism.

And among them, this work, "New Asian Buddhist History 11 Japan I: Foundations of Japanese Buddhism," was one of the most stimulating and interesting.

This book is a great book for learning the basics of Japanese Buddhism. It is a great book that I highly recommend. I highly recommend you to pick up a copy.

The History of Indian Buddhism as a CultureBuddhism in India

Yasuaki Nara, "History of Indian Buddhism as 'Culture'" - A great book that I highly recommend to monks who are troubled by criticism of funeral Buddhism!

I highly recommend this book to "those who are struggling with how to be a monk".

It is clear that Buddhism is not only a doctrine written in literature, but has walked with the people who live there. I myself received a lot of courage from this book. I feel that Buddhism will surely lead to the power to live even today.

Even non-monks interested in the meaning of rituals in Buddhism will find much in this work.

This is a great book that I would highly recommend. It was a wonderful book that conveys the author's beliefs.

The Abyss of the Mahayana BuddhaBuddhism in India

Tomomichi Nitta, "The Abyss of the Buddha in the Mahayana" - There was no mythologizing of the Buddha! What is Gen Nakamura's Critique of the Historical View of Buddha? From "Series on Mahayana Buddhism, Volume 5: Buddha and Pure Land - Mahayana Buddhist Scriptures II

This work is very interesting to me as a Jodo Shinshu monk because it teaches about the Pure Land scriptures.

The second chapter, "The Abyss of Mahayana Buddhism" by Mr. Tomomichi Nitta, was particularly shocking. This is a paper that should be read by all students of Buddhism.

The "Series on Mahayana Buddhism" reflects the latest research as of the early 2010s. It was a first-hand experience of how the once mainstream understanding of Buddhism is no longer valid.

The Series Mahayana Buddhism Volume 5: Buddha and the Pure Land - Mahayana Buddhist Scriptures II, which contains the shocking treatise by Tomomichi Nitta, is a tremendous book that I recommend to all students of Buddhism. It is by far the most impressive work in this series.

Himalayan TemplesBuddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

Masahiko Sato, "Temples of the Himalayas: Religious Architecture in Nepal, Northern India, and China" - Amazing work to learn more about Buddhist architecture in Kathmandu.

This book will be a work dedicated to religious architecture in Nepal. This is a rather geeky book. It is a book for those who want to learn more about Nepal's unique religious architecture.

Nepal's atmosphere and religious architecture are different from both India and China.

And the fact that a lot of wood is used may be familiar to Japanese people. I am planning to visit Nepal at some point in the future, so I would like to take a closer look at it then.

There are also plenty of photos to help you visualize the local area.

This is a rather geeky book, but I highly recommend it to anyone interested in Nepalese religion and architecture.

Nepalese BuddhismBuddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

Kimiaki Tanaka/Kazumi Yoshizaki, "Nepalese Buddhism" - A country where wife-oriented Buddhism has taken root, just like in Japan! Recommended to learn about its teachings and history.

This book is a tremendously valuable gem.

For us Japanese, Nepal has a strong image of the Himalayas, but in reality, we know very little about the religion of this country. I myself knew almost nothing about this country until recently.

However, the more one learns about the religious situation in this country, the more interesting it becomes...!

First of all, although Hinduism is the main religion in this country, Buddhism is still alive and well. Moreover, some of the Buddhists in this country are wife-oriented, just like ours in Japan. This is interesting.

This book provides a unique history of Buddhism that is different from India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, or China! Highly recommended!