
Sarnath BuddhaThird Indian Expedition - Journey to Places Related to Buddha

(92) Enjoy the Saharnath Museum's supreme treasure, the Ashoka Lion Pillar Head, and the "First Turning Wheel," the greatest masterpiece of Indian Buddhist sculpture!

The Sarnath Museum houses India's greatest treasure, the Ashoka Lion Pillar Head, and the statue of the First Turning, known as the Sarnath Buddha.
The shock of the amazing sculptures I encountered here continued long after I left the museum and returned to my lodgings, and I remained enthralled by these perfect sculptures.
And then a mysterious phenomenon also occurred to me.

BudhluwagalaTravels in Sri Lanka, the Holy Land of Buddhism

(48) The Great Buddha of Mahayana Buddhism Lies Deep in the Heart of Sri Lanka! Visiting the traces of Mahayana Buddhism that had taken root in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka may be thought of as the sacred land of Theravada Buddhism, but in fact, Mahayana Buddhism also took root in this land. Especially in the 8th century, Sri Lanka was the center of esoteric Buddhism, which had a great influence on the world.

I decided to head for the interior of Sri Lanka to visit its traces.

Takahiro UedaDiary of a Monk

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Nice to meet you. My name is Takahiro Ueda, the administrator of this blog. This blog started as my attempt to look at various things in my daily life and write words with the motto of asking myself questions, as you can see in the title of the blog.

This article will give you a general guide within our blog. If you are new to our blog or wondering what to read, please read this article first.

polonnaruwa (Negrito ethnic group of the Malay Peninsula)Travels in Sri Lanka, the Holy Land of Buddhism

(38) The Lost Ancient City of Polonnaruwa: Impressive Buddha Statues! Here are the highlights of Sri Lankan sculpture!

This place is truly amazing. It is the highlight of my visit to the Buddhist sites in Sri Lanka. You can't miss this place when you come to Sri Lanka. The contrast with Dambulla makes Polonnaruwa even more fascinating. In this sense, I would like to encourage you to visit both Buddhist sites. I can assure you that it will be an interesting experience.

It's getting fun, Sri Lanka!

DostoevskyDostoevsky and His Wife's Fateful Journey: Travels in Western Europe of Madness and Love

Do you know the Dostoevsky statue in Baden-Baden? ~ The ultimate sculptural work that I was most impressed with in Germany!

There is something I would love to share with you all in this article. I want to say this out loud to the whole world! I want to tell you that here in Baden-Baden, Germany, there is a masterpiece of sculpture that is among the finest in the world!

Our days in Baden-Baden were some of the most powerful impacts of the 2022 trip. It was the highlight of the trip! The sculptures were amazing, Michelangelo-grade!

Sasserwa Buddha, Aukana BuddhaTravels in Sri Lanka, the Holy Land of Buddhism

(26) Sasserwa Giant Buddha and Awkana Giant Buddha - Visit the masterpieces of Sri Lanka's Giant Buddha that few people know about and visit them in the mountains.

I am now heading for the Sasserwa and Awkana Buddhas, masterpieces of Sri Lanka's Buddhist art known to those in the know.

These large Buddhas are located in the jungle, far from major sacred sites such as Mihintale and Anuradhapura, and are rarely seen by the average tourist. However, I was eager to see the Buddhist art of Sri Lanka with my own eyes.

adjantaSecond Expedition to India - Visit to the ruins in south-central India

(23) Enjoy the masterpieces of Indian Buddhist painting at the Ajanta Grottoes! Visit amazing Buddhist sites that have been forgotten for a thousand years

Sculpture by Elora. The painting is Ajanta. That's it.

For a taste of the best of Indian Buddhist art, I highly recommend seeing these two together as a set.

Ajanta was also a truly wonderful place. I will never forget the fingertips of that lotus hand bodhisattva. That ultimate point where the fingertips touch each other...! That was a miracle. It was a miracle without a doubt.

Elora.Second Expedition to India - Visit to the ruins in south-central India

(22) The Kailasanatha Temple in Ellora is astonishing! What is the amazing sculpture architecture that took 100 years to carve out of the rocky mountain?

Here in Ellora, the difference between the Buddhist and Hindu views of the world and of human beings can be felt as much as this.

The Kailasanatha Temple is truly an explosion of energy. You can feel the energy of Hinduism, the enormous mass of it, all over your body when you come here.

There is no doubt that the Ellora Caves here are among the best in India.

Elora.Second Expedition to India - Visit to the ruins in south-central India

(21) The Buddha image at Ellora Cave Temple was so shocking that it electrified my whole body! I highly recommend this as one of the best spots in India!

Buddhist Grottoes of Ellora Cave 10.

The moment I entered the hall, I felt a chirping sound! It really happened! It is often said that an electric current runs through your body, and that is exactly what happened.

I will never forget the impact it had on me. I have encountered many different monuments and works of art, but this is without a doubt the pinnacle of them all.