
Nalander UniversityThird Indian Expedition - Journey to Places Related to Buddha

(84) To Nalanda University, where that Buddhist monk Genjo Sanzo studied - the most impressive Buddhist site I saw in India!

University of Nalander...

Have you ever heard of this Buddhist site?

It is clearly a minor site compared to Lumbini, the birthplace of Buddha, Bodh Gaya, the site of enlightenment, and Sarnath (Kanoen), the site of the first turning of the wheel of Dharma.

However, this site turned out to be one of the most impressive Buddhist monuments I saw in India.

Nepalese BuddhismThird Indian Expedition - Journey to Places Related to Buddha

(76) The Existence of Wife-Marrying Buddhism, the Same as in Japan! About the unique Buddhist situation in Nepal

In my previous article, I introduced Swayambhunath, the symbol of Nepalese Buddhism, and in this article I will discuss the unique Buddhist situation in Nepal. In particular, I would like to focus on the fact that, as stated in the title of the article, wife-oriented Buddhism exists in this country, just like in Japan.

Abhayagiri Avalokitesvara (bodhisattva)Travels in Sri Lanka, the Holy Land of Buddhism

(49) Why did Mahayana Buddhism die in Sri Lanka - What happened to the Buddhist community in Sri Lanka, which was also a center of esoteric Buddhism?

In my previous article, I talked about the existence of a Mahayana Buddhist tradition in Sri Lanka, and in this article I will give a brief overview of such a Mahayana Buddhist tradition in Sri Lanka.

A very important point about what Buddhism is all about will be discussed in this article. I am sure readers will be surprised.

Sri LankaBuddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

A list of recommended books to learn about the Buddhist country of Sri Lanka - Buddhism, history, literature, and other unknown attractions!

I studied Buddhism in Sri Lanka and was left shocked. I keep coming across things that I never thought possible. I would say that it has overturned my view of Buddhism from the very foundation.

Sri Lanka is interesting! I have become completely absorbed in the very country's Buddhism, its history and culture. In this article, I will recommend some books about Sri Lanka.

place sacred to BuddhismThe Life of Buddha (Sakyamuni) as Seen in Local Photographs

The Life of Buddha (Shakyamuni Buddha) as Seen from Buddhist Courses and Local Photographs] Article List - Please use this list as a table of contents.

This series of articles will give you a sense not only of Buddha's life, but also of the atmosphere of Indian society at that time. I am sure this will be an exciting experience for all of you.

Although "learning about religion and Buddhism" may sound pretentious, I hope that you will take it easy and experience the life of the great Buddha.

IndiaThe Life of Buddha (Sakyamuni) as Seen in Local Photographs

(25) A very brief history of Buddhism after Buddha's death - The history and propagation of the Buddhist cult. Also a few words on the introduction of Buddhism to Japan.

In this article, I will give a very brief overview of the history of Buddhism since the death of the Buddha, as well as a summary of the 21 articles in this series. Although it is too reckless to summarize more than 2,000 years of history spanning the globe in a single page, we believe that it will be useful for you to understand the flow of Buddhism.

Indian Buddhist siteBuddhism in India

Recommended books for those who want to know more about Indian Buddhism - From introductory to specialized books, here are some of the best books I would highly recommend.

This article will recommend some works as an introduction to the Buddha and Indian Buddhism, followed by a selection of reference books for those who want to learn more about Buddhism.

My selection of reference books is an unusual lineup for a Buddhist book, but I am sure that they will help you to discover something new.

Buddhist Thought 8Chinese Buddhism, Thought and History

Buddhist Thought 8: Anxiety and Joyousness in the Pure Land of China" - A recommended reference book that also provides information on the thought and life of Cloudyran, Dogen, and Zenko, as well as the historical background of their lives!

In this book, you can learn not only about the thought of Shinran, Dogen, and Zhenguang, but also their lives and historical backgrounds. It is clear that Buddhism was a result of the political situation in China at that time. It was very interesting to see how Chinese Pure Land Buddhism developed in the midst of repeated warfare and suppression of Buddhism, and how, during Zendo's time, Zendo's Pure Land Buddhism gained support in the prosperous downtown area of the international city of Chang'an. It is interesting to see the connection between great historical figures and their historical backgrounds. As a Jodo Shinshu monk, I tend to spend a lot of time with Shinran and Honen, but I feel that tracing back to their origins is also very significant. It is only by tracing back to the source that we can see Shinran's characteristics and uniqueness.

In this sense, this book is a very valuable work for studying Shinran.