Václav Havel

Kafka's City of Prague and Czech Literature

Ten recommended reference books to learn what the "Prague Spring" is all about - and to consider the Russian and Ukrainian invasions.

In this article, we recommend some reference books to learn about the 1968 "Prague Spring" Soviet military invasion (Czech Incident), which we have previously discussed in this blog.

Although the Russian invasion of Ukraine is currently at a critical juncture, the "Prague Spring" incident is also very important for understanding the history of the Soviet Union, Russia, and Eastern Europe.

I think it is very meaningful for us Japanese to learn about the Czech Republic, a country that has spun out a proud culture and history despite being surrounded by major powers.

Modern Russia and the Russo-Ukrainian War

Kazuo Ogawa, "Eastern Europe: The Search for Revival" - Recommended for an overview of Eastern European economies after the collapse of the Soviet Union, including Ukraine.

This book was written in 1995, but in terms of understanding the situation in Eastern Europe at that time, it is a work that is not at all faded even if you read it now.

The many photographs make it easy to visualize what the site looks like, and the compact size of the new book is very much appreciated.

We recommend this work to learn about the economic situation in Eastern Europe, which is not often known.

You can see how each Eastern European country has its own unique culture and economic situation. It was very interesting to read and compare each of them.

Kafka's City of Prague and Czech Literature

A collection of books recommended for learning about Prague's history and culture! The endless charm of our beloved Prague

I am someone who visited Prague in 2019 and was wonderfully taken by its charm. It was so beautiful and so cozy that I completely fell in love with the city.

The books presented in this article are among the various books I have read and would especially recommend to you. These books will surely make you feel the charm of Prague even more.

Kafka's City of Prague and Czech Literature

Vlasta Ciháková, "The Prague Vision: Tales of Ancient Eastern European Capitals" - Why is Prague so beautiful?

This book is a work that explains the charms and secrets of Prague, a city too beautiful for words.

The book is richly illustrated with photographs and illustrations, and is very intriguing to read.

This is a highly recommended book for those who want to know more and more about the Czech Republic. It is a work that allows you to get to know Prague quite deeply.

Kafka's City of Prague and Czech Literature

Setsuko Otaka, "Czech and Germany: Love and Hatred" - What is the complicated relationship between the great powers Germany and the Czech Republic?

This book was just shocking. It changed my view of Germany. No, I can say that I felt anew the horror of international politics itself.

It is an excellent work not only for learning about Prague's troubled history, but also for thinking about international politics. I highly recommend this book.

Kafka's City of Prague and Czech Literature

Čapek, "Conversations with Masaryk: The Life and Thought of the Philosopher President" - Masterful biography of the great Czech president!

This book is a biography about Masaryk, who became the first president of the independent Czech Republic after World War I. He was originally a professor of philosophy and was deeply respected by his people, who called him the philosopher president because of his virtue. Why is the Czech Republic so cultured? Why do they value thought and language so highly? I felt that Masaryk had such a clue.

Kafka's City of Prague and Czech Literature

V. Havel's "The Garden Party" Synopsis and Comments - Recommended for Kafka fans! Playwright Havel's masterpiece.

Havel's "Garden Party" is in the genre known as the absurdist drama.
It is not a straightforward comedy play, but rather surrealistic in any case.
The audience is made to laugh at the ill-conceived conversations, exchanges, and satire.
Moreover, the absurdity of this work by Havel is like a strange development, reminiscent of Kafka.
It is a wonderful example of Prague's high level of culture.

Kafka's City of Prague and Czech Literature

V. Havel, "Prague Prison Chronicles - Letters to My Wife Olga" - A collection of letters from the prison of the future Czech President under Soviet repression.

In this collection of letters, you can read a variety of correspondence, including private correspondence with his wife, scenes of prison life, Havel's observations, musings, and essay-style writing.

I read this book imagining him writing this letter silently at his desk during his difficult prison life. I cannot get over the human magnitude of Havel's desperate resistance during the era of Soviet repression.

Kafka's City of Prague and Czech Literature

Visit "Reduta Jazz Club" - Prague's recommended long-established jazz club! A legendary club that continued to promote Czech culture even during the Soviet repression era

Reduta Jazz Club I visited in Prague in 2019

I visited here because I saw on the Internet that this was a well-established and highly recommended jazz club. I was really surprised to learn that the Reduta had played a tremendous role in the history of the Czech Republic.

This article will introduce you to such a repo of Reduta.