
DostoevskyDostoevsky and His Wife's Fateful Journey: Travels in Western Europe of Madness and Love

Do you know the Dostoevsky statue in Baden-Baden? ~ The ultimate sculptural work that I was most impressed with in Germany!

There is something I would love to share with you all in this article. I want to say this out loud to the whole world! I want to tell you that here in Baden-Baden, Germany, there is a masterpiece of sculpture that is among the finest in the world!

Our days in Baden-Baden were some of the most powerful impacts of the 2022 trip. It was the highlight of the trip! The sculptures were amazing, Michelangelo-grade!

Sasserwa Buddha, Aukana BuddhaTravels in Sri Lanka, the Holy Land of Buddhism

(26) Sasserwa Giant Buddha and Awkana Giant Buddha - Visit the masterpieces of Sri Lanka's Giant Buddha that few people know about and visit them in the mountains.

I am now heading for the Sasserwa and Awkana Buddhas, masterpieces of Sri Lanka's Buddhist art known to those in the know.

These large Buddhas are located in the jungle, far from major sacred sites such as Mihintale and Anuradhapura, and are rarely seen by the average tourist. However, I was eager to see the Buddhist art of Sri Lanka with my own eyes.

Recommended Sightseeing Spots in RomeTravels in Rome" - Charms of the Theater City of Rome and Pilgrimage to Bernini

15 recommended sightseeing spots in Rome unique to monks! Taste the best of beauty from royal to maniacal churches

In this article I will introduce some of my favorite places to visit in Rome.

In this article, we will introduce not only famous churches such as St. Peter's Basilica and the Colosseum, but also maniac churches that are not often visited by tourists.

Rome is indeed a wonderful city. However, there is a trap of having too much to see and do. We hope that our blog posts will be of help to you.

Apollo's CupYukio Mishima and Japanese Literature

Yukio Mishima's "The Cup of Apollo" Synopsis and Impressions - A travelogue of his first trip around the world and his experiences in Greece! Recommended to learn about Mishima's view of art!

Yukio Mishima embarked on a round-the-world trip at the end of 1951 as a special correspondent for the Asahi Shimbun newspaper. The travelogue of this trip became "Apollo's Cup.

Mishima enjoyed the ruins and art of Athens and Delphoi, and wrote about his thoughts in his travel journal. He visited many places during his round-the-world trip, but his impressions of these places clearly stand out.

And this is very interesting because it frankly describes what Mishima thought about Greek art and how it influenced his own view of literature and life.

The Cup of Apollo" is filled with Mishima's original Greek and Roman experiences. It is also a very informative work for understanding Mishima's literature and way of life.

Travels in Rome" - Charms of the Theater City of Rome and Pilgrimage to Bernini

(33) Visit the Basilica of Sant'Andrea al Quirinale - Bernini's pantheon, an architectural masterpiece!

This is a church that is not on the main route when touring Rome. There are many famous landmarks in Rome, such as the Pantheon, the Colosseum, and the Mouth of Truth. It would be easy to end the itinerary just by visiting those famous sights. But the Basilica of Sant'Andrea al Quirinale is an amazing place. It may sound like a maniac, but I highly recommend a visit here. The Pantheon is really here. It is an architectural marvel that was achieved under difficult conditions. I hope that you will experience Bernini's masterpiece during your stay in Rome. It is a wonderful cathedral that is sure to astonish you.

I was instantly captivated by this cathedral and visited it four times during my stay in Rome, marveling at it each time.

Travels in Rome" - Charms of the Theater City of Rome and Pilgrimage to Bernini

(31) Statues of Daniel and Habakkuk in the Church of Santa Maria del Popolo - Bernini's Mystique and Ancient Roman Inspiration

This article will discuss "Daniel" and "Habakkuk" by Bernini, housed in the Pheasant Chapel in the Church of Santa Maria del Popolo in Piazza del Popolo.

The church itself is more famous for Caravaggio's paintings than Bernini's, but it too is an essential stop on the Bernini pilgrimage.

Daniel" and "Habakkuk" are works in which the late Bernini's mastery and mystical expression are on full display. These works are very important for understanding the characteristics of his later works.

Travels in Rome" - Charms of the Theater City of Rome and Pilgrimage to Bernini

(24) Bernini's Raimondi Chapel - A stunning spectacle of light! Bernini as playwright and director

The Raimondi Chapel in the Church of San Pietro in Montorio in the Trastevere district of Rome. This is the very place where Bernini's magic of light was created.

The Raimondi Chapel is the first work in which Bernini achieved complete mastery of light.

In an age without electricity, Bernini created a unique spotlight to illuminate the stage space, so to speak.

Hats off to Bernini's theatrical technique, the idea of the spectacle of light. All the more so since this is a work from the 1630s.

The time I spent in this church was one of the most memorable of my stay in Rome.

This church is also a very nice spot to feel Bernini's spectacle of light. I highly recommend this church.

Travels in Rome" - Charms of the Theater City of Rome and Pilgrimage to Bernini

(23) Bernini's Masterpiece "Portrait of Urbanus VIII" - What are the secrets of portrait sculpture and its secrets? Learn from Bernini's unique method of human observation.

Bernini's Urbanus VIII is on display in Palazzo Barberini, also near Piazza di Spagna.

I also came here to see this portrait, and I could understand why this sculpture is hailed as a masterpiece of portrait sculpture.

I could not take my eyes off this sculpture, so much so that I could not move from in front of it for a while.

I have never seen such a wonderful portrait. It was an experience that made me marvel from the bottom of my heart at what a masterpiece could be.

And in this article, we will talk about Bernini's unique method of portrait making and human observation.

Travels in Rome" - Charms of the Theater City of Rome and Pilgrimage to Bernini

(22) Bernini "St. Longinus" - A huge sculpture of St. Peter's Basilica. A masterpiece bursting with Bernini's illusions!

This article presents Bernini's masterpiece based on that "Lance of Longinus".

The "Longinus" in St. Peter's Basilica faces just the opposite direction of Baldacchino and Catedra Petri, which can be seen beyond. Many people miss the statue and leave, or simply skim over it. This is a waste of time. We recommend that you spend some time at this statue as well.

This is a masterpiece of Bernini's magic. This is a must-see sculpture with his signature superb technique applied in every detail!

Travels in Rome" - Charms of the Theater City of Rome and Pilgrimage to Bernini

(19) Bernini's "David" - Bernini's astonishing concentration and comparison with Michelangelo's "David".

I was one of those who were drawn into Bernini's magic at the Borghese Museum. As Masumi Ishinabe, an expert in the field of art, says, David's gaze is clearly on Goliath, and you can feel that he is about to throw a stone. We can feel that he is about to throw a stone. We are witnessing that moment. Bernini's sculptures blow away our real world and force us into a fantasy, a narrative space. This narrative, this message, is the essence of Bernini's work, and he had reached this point in his early twenties. He is a genius of remarkable precocious age.