
Travels in Rome" - Charms of the Theater City of Rome and Pilgrimage to Bernini

(37) "Cathedra Petri" in St. Peter's Basilica - The sum total of Bernini's art! An astonishing masterpiece that incorporates the space itself into the work!

In this article I will discuss Cathedra Petri, located in the apse of St. Peter's Basilica.

The Cathedra Petri is the most important part of this cathedral. It too was designed by Bernini. This article looks at the meaning behind this Bernini masterpiece.

St. Peter's Basilica is still a special place.

No matter how many times I come here, I am always impressed. And it was Bernini who created this wonderful space. The Cathedral is the highlight of a Bernini visit. I hope that many people will experience the theatrical space created by Bernini.

The Industrial Revolution and British and European Society

The Oxford Portrait of Science: Copernicus - A biography recommended to learn about the life of Copernicus, the proponent of the geocentric theory!

Copernicus is famous as the man who proposed the "Geocentric Theory. He was a great man who overturned the common sense of the world, so much so that the term "Copernican turn" has been coined to describe him.

But although I knew the name and the geocentric theory of this man, I knew very little about who he was and what his life was like.

As such, I was very grateful for this biography in the "Oxford Portraits of Science" series.

And one of the characteristics of this biography is that it also emphasizes the historical background in which the great man lived.

I very much appreciated the compact biography but also the historical background shown.

The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Vatican, and Roman Catholicism

Kukai Nanri Kazuyoshi Nomachi, "Vatican: Pope, Time of Prayer" - A book full of rare photos of John Paul II and the Vatican!

In this work, you will see rare photos of the Vatican that are not usually seen or covered.

I have read many books about the Vatican, but I think this book is very valuable because it focuses on the "time of prayer" and covers the ritual in progress. I have also appreciated this work very much.

The work also summarizes the life of John Paul II and shows how prominent he was.

The explanations are very clear and the book is an excellent introduction to the Vatican and John Paul II.

Modern Russia and the Russo-Ukrainian War

M. Laruelle, "Fascism and Russia" - Why is the discourse of fascist and non-Nazification repeated? What is Russia rebelling against in Europe?

I decided to read this book because of President Putin's statement to the effect that "we are fighting to de-Nazify" Ukraine. To be honest, when I first heard those words, I had no idea what they meant. For the life of me, I could not understand why, for Putin, fighting Ukraine was de-Nazification.

This is why I picked up this book, which I found quite interesting and full of things I could "see".

Modern Russia and the Russo-Ukrainian War

Kazuo Ogawa, "Eastern Europe: The Search for Revival" - Recommended for an overview of Eastern European economies after the collapse of the Soviet Union, including Ukraine.

This book was written in 1995, but in terms of understanding the situation in Eastern Europe at that time, it is a work that is not at all faded even if you read it now.

The many photographs make it easy to visualize what the site looks like, and the compact size of the new book is very much appreciated.

We recommend this work to learn about the economic situation in Eastern Europe, which is not often known.

You can see how each Eastern European country has its own unique culture and economic situation. It was very interesting to read and compare each of them.

Kafka's City of Prague and Czech Literature

Ten Years of Solidarity: Poland, Crushed Reforms, and Czechoslovakia" - Recommended for understanding the flow of the Prague Spring.

This book is dedicated to the situation in Poland at the end of the Cold War and the Prague Spring, with just half of each discussed in the 270 pages of the book. There are surprisingly few books that provide more than 100 pages of commentary on the Prague Spring alone, so we were very grateful for this substantial commentary.

The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Vatican, and Roman Catholicism

Dialogue with Pope John Paul II on Life, Society, and Religion" - Pope's passionate message to young people

John Paul II was a man who greatly valued dialogue with young people. Even before he became Pope, he valued his interaction with students and had a strong bond with them.

This book is a work in which John Paul II's message to young people is told.

The world has become more and more material-centered, with a growing shift away from religion. John Paul II speaks to modern people who have lost their sense of what to rely on and how to live.