
Sarnath BuddhaThird Indian Expedition - Journey to Places Related to Buddha

(92) Enjoy the Saharnath Museum's supreme treasure, the Ashoka Lion Pillar Head, and the "First Turning Wheel," the greatest masterpiece of Indian Buddhist sculpture!

The Sarnath Museum houses India's greatest treasure, the Ashoka Lion Pillar Head, and the statue of the First Turning, known as the Sarnath Buddha.
The shock of the amazing sculptures I encountered here continued long after I left the museum and returned to my lodgings, and I remained enthralled by these perfect sculptures.
And then a mysterious phenomenon also occurred to me.

gayaThird Indian Expedition - Journey to Places Related to Buddha

(87) Experience the fervor of Hinduism at the Vishnu Temple in Gaya, a major sacred site for ancestral offerings!

The name Bodh Gaya is well known to the Japanese, but the name Gaya is probably not well known to most Japanese. Even in "Chikyu no Arukikata", there is no page that introduces Gaya, although there is a page for Bodh Gaya.
But this is one of the most important Hindu holy places for Indians. This article will tell you about our experience in such a holy place.

Lumbar moundThird Indian Expedition - Journey to Places Related to Buddha

(78) Lambar Mound, the site of Buddha's cremation - What did Buddha think about his own remains?

A five-minute drive from the Reclining Buddha Hall in Kushinagara is Lambar Mound, the site of Buddha's cremation.

Before his death, the Buddha had explained to Arnanda in detail how to perform that cremation. He also told him what to do with his own remains.

This article will consider such issues surrounding Buddha's remains.

alpine accentor (Prunella collaris)Third Indian Expedition - Journey to Places Related to Buddha

(77) To Kushinagara, the place of Buddha's death: The uniquely shaped Reclining Buddha Hall and the holy place in the early morning. After all, "temples are built in the morning!

Kushinagara is the site of Buddha's death, and is therefore one of the most important of the Buddha's Eight Great Sacred Sites.

The temple grounds are like a large park, and after a short walk, the light cream-colored Nirvana Hall comes into view through a gap in the trees. The shape of the hall is quite unique for a temple. I visited this temple twice, once in the evening and once in the early morning.

Nepalese BuddhismThird Indian Expedition - Journey to Places Related to Buddha

(76) The Existence of Wife-Marrying Buddhism, the Same as in Japan! About the unique Buddhist situation in Nepal

In my previous article, I introduced Swayambhunath, the symbol of Nepalese Buddhism, and in this article I will discuss the unique Buddhist situation in Nepal. In particular, I would like to focus on the fact that, as stated in the title of the article, wife-oriented Buddhism exists in this country, just like in Japan.

Third Indian Expedition - Journey to Places Related to Buddha

(75) Swayambhunath, a symbol of Nepalese Buddhism - Eyes gazing at us! The eyes are there!

Swayambhunath is the symbol of Nepalese Buddhism. This temple is a World Heritage site known as the oldest Buddhist temple in Nepal.

Swayambhunath was a place with a unique atmosphere. It was different from both India and Sri Lanka. And then there were the eyes. It was a place that left such a strong impression on me that I would say, "When I think of Nepal, I think of this.

Pashupatinath TempleThird Indian Expedition - Journey to Places Related to Buddha

(74) Thinking about death in the crematorium at Pashupatinath Temple, Ganges, Nepal.

The Pashupatinath Temple is the largest Hindu temple in Nepal. This temple faces the Bagmati River, a tributary of the Ganges River, and a cremation ground was built here.

For Nepalese people, this place has become an important sacred site with the same significance as Varanasi in India. I also decided to visit here to see such a cremation site.

KathmanduThird Indian Expedition - Journey to Places Related to Buddha

(73) To Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal - A unique cityscape different from both India and China

The architecture of Kathmandu is unique and different from both Indian and Chinese architecture.

Most of the architecture of the former royal palace, which I particularly liked, was built in the 17th century and is relatively recent in age. But this wonderful architecture is sure to strike a chord with art and architecture lovers.