
Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

Takahiro Ueda, "Impressions of the Summer Written in Autumn: A Journey to Paris and Georgia" Articles - A Journey to Learn from Tolstoy and Dostoevsky

For approximately one month, from mid-August to mid-September 2022, I have been traveling around Europe, mainly in Georgia.

This trip visited France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Georgia-Armenia.

Its main purpose was to see the Caucasus Mountains of northern Georgia to study Tolstoy and Dostoevsky.

This article will list all 31 articles. We hope you will use it as a table of contents for "Impressions of Summer in Autumn.

Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

Paris-Georgia Travelogue] (31) Postscript - After the Paris-Georgia Trip

I have come this far with the hypothesis that "Tolstoy's origin may have been in Kafkaes.

And it actually made me think of the landscape and the mountain people that Tolstoy would have seen.

This resulted in a connection with Dostoevsky.

Dostoevsky is the exact opposite of Tolstoy. So if you learn one, you learn the other."

That is exactly what happened.

This article will summarize this Paris-Georgia trip. This concludes my "Impressions of Summer in Autumn".

Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

(30) Discovering Dostoevsky's "The House of Death" in the Juta Valley - the most memorable place of the Kafkers' stay.

The destination for the day was the Juta Valley, an unexplored region famous for its spectacular scenery, especially in the Kafkers.

There was an overwhelming view there that made everything seem insignificant.

Tolstoy must have seen such a view.

This experience in the Juta Valley was the most rewarding part of the trip. I discovered Dostoevsky's "The House of Death" in Kafkers.

Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

(29) To Gvereti Waterfall in the mountains and Daliari Gorge near the Russian border - Thinking about Tolstoy's bird's eye view

The day began with a trip further north on the military road to the Gvereti waterfalls in the mountains.

Walking through the majestic Kafkaes mountains, I thought of the mountain people Tolstoy would have met.

And it is at our next stop, the Daliari Valley, that we will discover Tolstoy's larger perspective.

Finally, I was beginning to reap great rewards at Kafkaes.

Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

Takahiro Ueda, "Impressions of Summer Written in Autumn: A Journey to Paris and Georgia" - A Journey to Study Dostoevsky and Tolstoy

For approximately one month, from mid-August to mid-September 2022, I have been traveling around Europe, mainly in Georgia.

This trip visited France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Georgia-Armenia.

Its main purpose was to see the Caucasus Mountains in northern Georgia.

I have been researching "Shinran and Dostoevsky" for the past three years. And this year, in order to learn more about Dostoevsky, I also decided to study Tolstoy, who is said to be the opposite of Dostoevsky.

And in the process, I came to know these Caucasus mountains.

Tolstoy, the Russian Giant

Tolstoy's 10 recommended works, commentaries, and a list of his works - Experience the overwhelming scale of the Russian giant!

In this article, we will first introduce 10 works that we particularly recommend from among those we have introduced in this blog so far, followed by a list of recommended commentaries and other works.

Even the works that did not make it to the recommended list are all essential to know Tolstoy. Tolstoy has a surprisingly large number of works, many of which are not introduced in this blog. So, basically, all of the works introduced in this blog are considered to be recommended works, but we have selected the 10 most important ones.

Tolstoy, the Russian Giant

Tolstoy's "The Kafkaes' Charm" Synopsis and Impressions - Tolstoy's Tales of the Kafkaes, also included in a children's textbook written by Tolstoy.

Tolstoy had an extraordinary enthusiasm for the education of children.

He opened his mansion as a school, taught himself, and even created his own textbooks.

The current work, "Kafkaesque Toriko" will be a work from such a self-written textbook.

The title of the book, "Kafkers' Toriko," made me think that it was a story about a man's obsession with Kafkers, but it was "Toriko" as in "prisoner of war.

This work is also characterized by Tolstoy's masterful depiction of nature, which is typical of the artist and the ultimate observer of human beings.

The great Russian writer Pushkin Gogol

Pushkin's "The Captivity of the Kafkaes" Synopsis and Impressions - Romantic Kafkaesque narrative poem about majestic nature and exotic culture.

It is a narrative poem written by Pushkin during a visit to the Kafkaes, based on the inspiration he found there.

What I still think of when reading this work is Pushkin's typical romantic depiction of scenes. The description of the magnificent scenery of the Kafkaes is just cool. There is a mysterious uplifting feeling that makes me feel excited when I read it. The power to appeal to the emotions is tremendous. This is Pushkin! This is a masterpiece!

Tolstoy, the Russian Giant

Sogensha's "Mesopotamian Civilization" - A commentary book recommended to get an overall picture of Mesopotamian civilization. Amazing flow to deciphering cuneiform script.

The Mesopotamian civilization used cuneiform writing.

This is all there is to it once it is told in textbook terms.

But the mysterious letters that actually appeared before my eyes when the ruins were excavated.

Naturally, at first there was no way to decipher them at all. How did researchers decipher the mysterious letters? This was extremely interesting.

I can only be amazed at the persistence of the researchers, or rather, their brains. How they deciphered the ancient script was a surprising blind spot for me, too.

I enjoyed it very much, as if I was watching an interesting documentary program.