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Nalander UniversityThird Indian Expedition - Journey to Places Related to Buddha

(84) To Nalanda University, where that Buddhist monk Genjo Sanzo studied - the most impressive Buddhist site I saw in India!

University of Nalander...

Have you ever heard of this Buddhist site?

It is clearly a minor site compared to Lumbini, the birthplace of Buddha, Bodh Gaya, the site of enlightenment, and Sarnath (Kanoen), the site of the first turning of the wheel of Dharma.

However, this site turned out to be one of the most impressive Buddhist monuments I saw in India.

DisneyDreamland Disneyland Research

List of recommended commentaries on Disney as religious thought, history, and art

I think Japan is one of the countries in the world where Disney is unparalleled. I love Disney, too.

However, its popularity cannot be dismissed merely in terms of entertainment. There is no doubt that you will enjoy Disney even more if you know more about its history and depth.

In this article, we will introduce some recommended books that will also help you learn about Disney's history and philosophy.

colomboTravels in Sri Lanka, the Holy Land of Buddhism

(53) Arrival in Colombo, a major city in Sri Lanka! Impressed by the beautiful seaside scenery! Introducing its cityscape!

Colombo is the largest city in Sri Lanka, with a combined population and urban area of over 2 million. The city, which is also the center of business in Sri Lanka, is developing remarkably, and high-rise buildings are being constructed one after another. I was surprised as soon as I arrived at the city that it is almost as developed and beautiful as Japan's metropolitan area.

University of PeradeniyaTravels in Sri Lanka, the Holy Land of Buddhism

(46) Thinking about the 1971 armed uprising by Marxist students at the University of Peradeniya in Kandy.

I have been in the process of studying Dostoevsky for the past few years, mostly European history. And now I am learning about India and Sri Lanka.

But I wondered, "What do I really know about Europe, India, and Sri Lanka? What do I think I know about Europe, India, and Sri Lanka?" Coming to the University of Peradeniya made me aware of this question once again.

DharmapalaTravels in Sri Lanka, the Holy Land of Buddhism

(43) What is Protestant Buddhism in Dharmapala - The existence and impact of a new Buddhism that is also different from traditional Buddhism in Sri Lanka.

As we saw in the previous article, traditional Sri Lankan Buddhism is different from our image of strict Theravada Buddhism. If anything, it is even closer to our Japanese Buddhism.

So why is there such an "image gap"?

The key to this is found in the "Protestant Buddhism" of Dharmapala, which I will introduce here.

AnuradhapuraTravels in Sri Lanka, the Holy Land of Buddhism

(34) Background of Sri Lanka's Civil War and Rapid Revival of Buddhist Sacred Sites: What is the Relationship between Sinhala Buddhist Nationalism and Sacred Sites?

In this article, I will discuss the general trend toward civil war, Sinhala Buddhist nationalism and the restoration of the Holy Land. I am sure that the last few articles have been full of surprises for you. I myself have been astonished by what I have learned about Sri Lanka. I am sure that you have found Sri Lanka to be a very interesting country.

DharmapalaTravels in Sri Lanka, the Holy Land of Buddhism

(33) Dharmapala and Sinhala Buddhist Nationalism: What is the major current of modern Buddhism in Sri Lanka?

In this article I will talk about a very important figure in Sri Lanka, Dharmapala. This Dharmapala is the one who advocated "Sinhala Buddhist Nationalism" that led to the Sri Lankan Civil War.

In Sri Lanka, Buddhism is integrated with nationalism and becomes the spark for ethnic conflict. We will also look at that Sinhala Buddhist nationalism.

colomboTravels in Sri Lanka, the Holy Land of Buddhism

(32) A Brief History of Sri Lanka's Colonial Period - The Historical Background of the Emergence of the Dharmapala

Dharmapala had a decisive impact on the Sri Lankan Civil War.

He did not suddenly appear out of thin air either. He came into existence because of the historical background of Sri Lanka at that time.

In this article, I will briefly discuss the colonial period in Sri Lanka, which is also important for the history of Dharmapala and Sri Lankan Buddhism.