
Radio's War ResponsibilityBuddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

Shinichi Sakamoto, "Radio's War Responsibility" - Nationalism fueled by the media. Highly recommended for learning about the mechanisms of war!

It was surprising to learn that Buddhist scholars, orators, and preaching masters used to speak about Buddhism on the radio in Japan and had a strong influence on many people.

In this book, you will also discover amazing facts about Konosuke Matsushita, the overwhelming oratorical abilities of politician Yosuke Matsuoka, and the achievements of Hiroshi Shimomura, the man behind the Gyokuon-broadcasting that brought the war to an end.

Anyway, please read it. And do it as soon as possible! It is not every day you come across a book like this. It is one of the best books to read at a time when the world is very unstable.

Viewing the World from Sri LankaBuddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

A. C. Clarke, "Looking at the World from Sri Lanka" - A collection of essays by the famous science fiction author of "2001: A Space Odyssey" that let us know his love for Sri Lanka.

Arthur C. Clarke is a master of science fiction who, along with Stanley Kubrick, created that film "2001: A Space Odyssey.

That Arthur C. Clarke loved Sri Lanka and wrote an essay expressing his feelings about Sri Lanka!

When I learned of this, I did not hesitate to pick up this book.

Capitalism and SlaveryBuddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

Eric Williams, Capitalism and Slavery - The accumulation of wealth through the slave trade and plantations brought about the Industrial Revolution!

This book is famous as a milestone work of historiography that overturned the established theories as expounded in Max Weber's "The Ethics of Protestantism and the Spirit of Capitalism".

The main theme of the book is precisely the argument that capital accumulated through the slave trade and slave plantations is what brought about the Industrial Revolution.

This book was also an exciting look at the course of history on a truly gigantic scale.

Once again, the reading made me realize the complexity and enormity of the world.

It is a superb work that destroys our preconceptions. Why not pick up a copy?

coffeeBuddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

The SDGs through Coffee" - Recommended to learn how the coffee industry, which was in crisis, is now changing!

In my last article, "The Truth About Coffee" by Antony Wilde, I learned about the dark side of the global coffee industry.

I was left scratching my head when I read that book, but in this book, "Coffee to Read the SDGs," I learned about the people and their activities that are struggling to change such a crisis-ridden coffee industry.

The text is easy to read and the book contains many photographs, so it is a work that can be easily picked up. Why not pick up a copy?

The Truth About CoffeeBuddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

Antony Wilde, "The Truth About Coffee" - A book that sounds the alarm about the history of coffee and the unequal trade system that continues today!

What an ease it is to innocently drink deliciously without knowing anything about it.

It is clearly less psychologically burdensome that way.

But what would happen if all people became like that? No, what has happened to the world today with neoliberalism?

It may be harsh, but I think this book is one that you should have the courage to read because you are a coffee lover.

coffee goes around, world history goes aroundBuddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

Ryuichiro Usui, "Coffee Turns and World History Turns" - Western modern society changed by coffee! A recommended book to learn about world history from the perspective of coffee!

As the subtitle of this book, "Coffee Turns and World History Turns," states, "The Black Blood of Modern Civil Society," it is a work that allows us to see how coffee has influenced modern society.

It is also very exciting to learn more about the coffee situation not only in England but also in France, Germany, and other countries. Coffee was also a major factor in the French Revolution and Napoleon.

A great piece of "world history through coffee." This is interesting! As a coffee lover, this was a very exciting book for me.

A Global History of ChocolateBuddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

Naoko Takeda, "The World History of Chocolate" - Recommended commentary book to learn about the transition of chocolate from modern to contemporary times and surprising information about Kit Kat.

Chocolate, with which we are all familiar, is a product of modernity. Especially with the Industrial Revolution in England, chocolate began to take on a very different meaning. This book is a very exciting way to learn about this process.

Also, as mentioned in the title of this article, this book also provides the history of Kit Kat, which we are all familiar with.

This book makes it clear that the rise in popularity of these chocolate confections was precisely the result of modernization.

This book is highly recommended to learn about the origins of chocolate, which is directly related to our daily lives. If you read this book together with "The History of Chocolate" introduced in the previous issue, you will surely deepen your understanding of chocolate even more.

History of ChocolateBuddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

Kawade Bunko "History of Chocolate" - A recommended work to learn about the origins of chocolate and its history dating back to the Mayan civilization!

This book is a large-scale work that looks at the history of chocolate, which is familiar to us all, going back to the Mayan civilization in BC.

I picked up this book because I was researching the Western distribution of tea and coffee in my study of Sri Lankan history. Tea, coffee and chocolate entered the West at about the same time and were popular as beverages. I also wanted to learn about the history of chocolate because I thought that the development of plantations and trade was very significant in terms of European and Asian thought.

That is when I came across this book, "The History of Chocolate". I fell in love with this book at first sight.

Learning from the Bosnian Conflict and the Tragedy of the Rwandan Genocide: International Conflicts after the Cold War

7 recommended reference works to learn about the Rwandan genocide - there was a hell there that made me want to turn away...

The Rwandan genocide is so shocking. It could be a traumatic read. It is such a hell. One can only be horrified that human beings can be so cruel.

I learned about the Rwandan genocide this way because of the Bosnian conflict, but reading these books reminded me that Bosnia, Rwanda, and Somalia are not each unique and abnormal, but that we all have something in our nature that allows such things to happen and that we all could have done it. I was reminded once again that human nature is such that such things can happen, and that we all have the potential to do them.

It is a history that we would like to turn away from, but if we do not pass through it, history will repeat itself in a different form. To prevent this from happening, we must learn about the tragic human history.

theory of the leisured classMarx Engels Writings and Related Works

Veblen, "The Theory of the Aristocracy" - The secrets of wealth, desire, and human psychology are laid bare! A masterful book full of bombshells!

No one who reads this book will ever look at the consumption of goods the same way again."

That's exactly right! In this book, there are a lot of naked bombshells that make you want to say, "You can't say that! But when you think about it, you can't help but nod your head and say, "Well, maybe Veblen is right....

There are tremendously exciting words that keep coming up in this book. I can only say that you should read and experience this. I hope you will enjoy Veblen's bombshells.

It was a real pleasure to encounter this book through Hirofumi Uzawa. It was a work that left a strong impact on me as well. I would highly recommend this work.