
Modern Russia and the Russo-Ukrainian War

W. Tobman, "Gorbachev: His Life and Times" - Gorbachev's Perestroika. A biography recommended for learning about his life and the historical background of the collapse of the Soviet Union!

The book traces Gorbachev's enigmatic life from 1931, when he was born, to after the collapse of the Soviet Union, along with its historical background.

Gorbachev's own life is very interesting, but what I really appreciate about this book is the historical background of the Soviet Union. In particular, I found the process of the Soviet Union's collapse to be so confusing that I wanted to wrap my head around it. It shows how the Soviet Union was lost in a maze with no way out.

Recommended Marx-Engels Biography

Ulrike Hermann, "Smith, Marx, and Keynes: A Revived Prescription for Crisis" - Recommended for an introduction to the flow of classical economics!

What is the difference between pre-Marx and Marx? What is the difference between post-Marx and Marx?

This book is very easy to understand because you can compare and see such things. After all, some things can only be seen by comparing them.

This book is a wonderful way to look at Marx in the context of history and the historical background. It is a gem written from a very broad perspective.

This is a book that I would highly, highly recommend. I recommend it to anyone who wants to learn not only Marx, but also Adam Smith and Keynes.

Contemporary Society through Dystopian Science Fiction Novels

List of 16 Recommended Science Fiction and Dystopian Novels - Modern Society from Science Fiction and Dystopia

Science fiction novels are not only interesting in their own right, but they also pose big questions for those of us living in the present.

You may read for pleasure.

You can read it while carefully considering the world today.

I think the beauty of science fiction novels is that they can be enjoyed in many different ways.

In this article I recommend 15 such novels.

Contemporary Society through Dystopian Science Fiction Novels

Ito Keikaku "Slaughterhouse Organ" Synopsis and Impressions - My most favorite science fiction novel that I highly recommend!

This is the novel I would say is my most beloved work in the last few years.

The title is "The Slaughterhouse Organ," a phrase that would not be familiar to a monk's blog, and I have not had much of a chance to introduce this work until now, but with the current trend of German-Soviet war, Cold War, and dystopian novels, I thought it would be a good time to introduce it. I am now finally going to introduce it to you.

Contemporary Society through Dystopian Science Fiction Novels

Keisuke Ito's "Metal Gear Solid: Guns of the Patriots" Synopsis and Comments - A masterful novelization by the author of "Slaughterhouse Organ!

This work can be read even by those who are new to Metal Gear. The past episodes are well incorporated in this work, making it easy to understand the flow of the game. This work was my first Metal Gear experience. But I was so drawn into this work that I was moved to tears. It is truly a wonderful work.

This book, filled with Keisuke Ito's thoughts and feelings, is my treasure.

Contemporary Society through Dystopian Science Fiction Novels

Toshiji Hase's "Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater" Synopsis and Comments - MGS Prehistory. The story of Big Boss starts here.

Naked Snake, the protagonist of this film, will later be known as Big Boss and will play a decisive role in the Metal Gear series.

Who is this person who forms the basis of the Metal Gear series? What is the existence of "Snake" in the first place?

You can also feel the atmosphere of the Cold War era by reading this work.

It is a masterpiece among masterpieces! It's a masterpiece! I recommend it!

Contemporary Society through Dystopian Science Fiction Novels

Nojima Kazuto's "Metal Gear Solid Substance II: Manhattan" Synopsis and Impressions - The looming AI domination! A terrifying work that questions our present!

This book is amazing..!

Of all the games in the Metal Gear series, this one had the strongest impact on me. The scenario is just too ghastly...!

The message conveyed in this work is too powerful.

It is hard to find such a horrific piece of work.

Even if you have never played the game, this work is something you should definitely see.

Contemporary Society through Dystopian Science Fiction Novels

Nojima, Kazuto, "Metal Gear Solid Substance I: Shadow Mosses" Synopsis and Comments - Novelization of the greatest scenario of the 20th century!

This work is a novelization of the game METAL GEAR SOLID, which has been called the best scenario of the 20th century.

The "Metal Gear" series of games was created under the direction of Hideo Kojima, and its scenarios are based on Cold War, anti-war, and anti-nuclear themes. It goes completely beyond the realm of a mere game. I was numb to the depth of the scenario and the message of this work!

Europe through Classical and Western Art

Hinomadoka "Bernstein - Share the Love" - Recommended biography of Bernstein, composer of West Side Story!

He is a first-rate conductor, composer, performer, and educator. He has even produced a critically acclaimed television program.

And above all, his amazing vitality! I was astonished by his energy to keep up with a murderous schedule that would surely cause a normal person to collapse.

This is a wonderful biography to learn about the life of Bernstein, one of America's greats!