
our childrenMarx Engels Writings and Related Works

R. D. Putnam, "Our Children - The Growing Opportunity Gap in the United States" - A recommended reference book to learn about educational disparity and family environment!

There used to be an "American Dream" in the United States. You can change your life with your personal talent and effort! You can seize your dream!

But that is now a thing of the past. Now a child born into the poor class can no longer hope for such social ascent. This book will look at why that is and what is happening in the United States today.

And by looking at this current "nightmare" we can also see the background of the former "American Dream".

I too have a very strong interest in the issue of "education". This has become a particularly big issue for me as I have recently become more and more involved in local schools. This book raises serious issues in terms of children's education. I highly recommend this book.

free fallMarx Engels Writings and Related Works

Stiglitz, "Free Fall" - Proposals by the Nobel economist who harshly criticized neoliberalism!

The author, Stiglitz, is a Nobel economist who criticized the American neoliberalism that caused the 2008 Lehman Shock.

I originally picked up this book because I studied Marx. Marx criticized capitalism. And even today, Marxists criticize capitalism, but Marxism is not the only critique of capitalism that has gone too far. Hirofumi Uno, the proud Japanese economist whom I introduced in my previous article, also sounded a strong warning against American-style capitalism.

What is more, the author of this work, Nobel economist Stiglitz, was mentored by Hirofumi Uzawa as a young man. This was a surprise to me as well.

So I picked up this book with the hope of reading a book by Stiglitz, who was trained by Hirofumi Uzawa.

The Man Who Fought CapitalismMarx Engels Writings and Related Works

Minoru Sasaki, "The Man Who Fought Capitalism: Hirofumi Uzawa and the World of Economics" - Recommended biography of one of Japan's leading economists!

Hirofumi Uzawa discusses American-style neoliberalism, environmental issues, and inequality from the perspective of "social common capital. He is not a theoretical thinker, but a man who went to the Minamata Disease site and continued to fight against the reality of the disease.

I was also struck by the way he continues to practice in the field despite being an economist.

It should not be overlooked that his experiences at a Zen temple as a young man influenced him throughout his life.

Anyway, the scale is so huge!

I too am confused as to what to tell you. It is such an intense life.

It is a masterpiece of a masterpiece that I hope as many people as possible will read. I am sure that reading this book will spark a spark in your mind. You will be surprised to know that there is such an amazing person in Japan!

belThe Industrial Revolution and British and European Society

The Oxford Portrait of Science by Graham Bell - A recommended biography of the great scientist who invented the telephone!

Graham Bell was an inventor best known for his invention of the telephone in 1876.

To my surprise, Bell was born in 1847, which is the same age as that Thomas Edison.

They were also rivals in the development of the telegraph. It was interesting to think that two people of the same age were competing with each other in the United States.

Also, in my last article, I mentioned that Edison was a reader as a young man, and so was this Bell. Bell also read Shakespeare until he memorized it, and from there he went on to read many books.

Edison also read Shakespeare, and it is still a reminder of how huge Shakespeare was to Westerners.

Edison.The Industrial Revolution and British and European Society

The Oxford Portrait of Science Edison, a recommended biography of the American inventor genius Edison! A side of Edison that reads like a book!

This work will be a biography of Thomas Edison, an inventor whose name everyone knows.

Edison attended little school. He was a voracious reader, however, and cultivated his imagination by reading Dickens, Shakespeare, "Les Miserables," and many other works of literature.

In this biography, you can learn about such a tumultuous life of Edison. I found this book very interesting because although I knew Edison by name, I knew very little about what kind of time period he lived in and what kind of life he led.

Shakespeare, a treasure trove of masterpieces

Tatsuji Iwabuchi, Brecht: Person and Thought 64 - We can change Shakespeare. If we can change Shakespeare

This book is recommended for a compact introduction to the life, historical background, and ideas of the German playwright Brecht.

Shakespeare was the reason I picked up this book, but I think it was a great way to think about "theater and historical background".

I highly recommend this book to get an idea of the atmosphere of the theater world at that time. I read it page by page with great interest. Why not pick up a copy?

German-Soviet War: The Soviet Union and the Nazis' War of Extermination

S. McKay, "The Bombing of Dresden 1945: From the Tragedy of the Air Raid to the Rebirth of the City" - What a tragic bombing that annihilated a beautiful old German city.

Dresden was billed as the jewel box on the banks of the Elbe. This book tells in detail about the bombing of that ancient city.

The conflict between the British and American leaders, the mental state of the soldiers, and the lives of the people who lived in Dresden before the bombing of Dresden. And the inferno that ensued after the bombing began...

This is a terrific piece of work.

Frankly, I am scared. The more I learn about history, the more I fear. I felt fear again after reading this book about what will happen to the world we live in in the future.

The issues raised in this book may also be important for Japan, which experienced the atomic bombings and air raids.

Don Quixote, the beloved itinerant knight.

Hemingway's "The Old Man and the Sea" Synopsis Commentary and Thoughts - A masterpiece that won the Nobel Prize for Literature! This work is associated with Cuba

The Old Man and the Sea is the masterpiece that earned Hemingway the Pulitzer Prize and the Nobel Prize in Literature, and is known as the best work of Hemingway's love of Cuba.

This article will focus on the new edition of Hiroshi Takami's translation, but if you are looking at the overall quality of the commentary, ease of reading, and cover design, I would recommend the Hiroshi Takami translation, and if you are a Shakespeare fan, I would recommend the old edition, Tsunen Fukuda's translation.

Don Quixote, the beloved itinerant knight.

Miyuki Sato, "Guevara's HIROSHIMA" - What did Che Guevara think when he visited the Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Dome?

I would highly recommend this book.

Che Guevara visited the A-bomb Dome. What were his words there?

In this book, you can take a closer look at Guevara's visit to Hiroshima.

Whether you know Guevara or not, this work is a must read. The book raises issues that are really important when thinking about war and the atomic bombing.

Why not pick one up?