
DisneyDreamland Disneyland Research

List of recommended commentaries on Disney as religious thought, history, and art

I think Japan is one of the countries in the world where Disney is unparalleled. I love Disney, too.

However, its popularity cannot be dismissed merely in terms of entertainment. There is no doubt that you will enjoy Disney even more if you know more about its history and depth.

In this article, we will introduce some recommended books that will also help you learn about Disney's history and philosophy.

Beauty and the BeastDreamland Disneyland Research

Disney's Original "Beauty and the Beast" Synopsis and Comments - What are the differences between the Disney version and the original? What are the differences that make the Disney version so appealing?

By reading the original, I was able to see more and more of the beauty of Disney's version of Beauty and the Beast.

We have already seen the finished "Beauty and the Beast," but there must have been extraordinary hard work involved in the creation of this film. I am sure that watching "Beauty and the Beast" with that in mind will give you a different taste. I am finally feeling that this film has become a big part of my life.

It was indeed an interesting read.

Peter PanDreamland Disneyland Research

J.M. Barrie, "Peter Pan" Synopsis and Comments - Disney's original was more sad and violent than I had imagined.

What made me decide to read the original story of "Peter Pan" was the influence of the Disney movie. Walt Disney has made many animated films from fairy tales. And in adapting them to film, Disney has made significant changes. If we can understand the difference between the original story and the movie, we can see the original part of Disney.

And when I read the original, I was amazed at his character and story told there.

First of all, Peter Pan's character is just out of control! Even in the Disney movie, he is too much of a free spirit, and there are still some things that are out of place, but he is still lovable. However, the original Peter Pan is now even frightening.

Grimm's fairy tale Snow WhiteDreamland Disneyland Research

Grimm's Fairy Tale "Snow White" Synopsis and Comments - Disney's Original Story! What the differences from the original story show about Disney's amazing alterations.

Did that queen try to kill Snow White three times?

Prince of Corpse Love?

The Grimm's fairy tale "Snow White" presented here is decidedly darker and blacker than the "Snow White" we imagine.

Knowing this black development shows how Disney films have altered the story.

And it is in this alteration that we find the key to Disney's character. This article will consider that.

Disney LegendsDreamland Disneyland Research

Bob Thomas, "The Disney Legend" - A biography focusing on his brother Roy, the practical man who supported Walt's genius! Genius is only as good as the people who support it!

What makes this book unique is that it focuses on Roy Disney, the brother of Walt Disney, creator of Mickey Mouse.

No matter how much creative genius Walt had, if he could not provide the funds and environment to realize it, he would be doomed. This was emphasized in Walt's biography. The genius Walt was completely blind to practical matters. He only saw the ultimate quality of his work. Walt always came up with what could only be described as reckless plans. The man behind the scenes who actually brought this project to completion, which would normally have been impossible, was another genius named Roy Disney.

Geniuses do not go out into the world alone. This book reminds us that the presence of practitioners who support them is also important.

Walt Disney: A Life of Creation and AdventureDreamland Disneyland Research

Bob Thomas, "Walt Disney: A Life of Creation and Adventure" - Official Biography of Walt Disney! Biography of Walt as a Bible

This book is an authorized Walt Disney biography by the Disney Company.

Mickey Mouse made his debut in 1928 with Steamboat Willie. This book is a recommended biography to learn about the extraordinary life of its creator, Walt Disney.

Bob Thomas' biography is an easy read as an introduction because it is written rather neatly and also explains the good side of Walt and his accomplishments in an easy-to-understand manner.

I highly recommend this book to Disney fans. It will definitely make you fall in love with Disney even more. Why don't you pick up a copy?

Disney and ChaplinDreamland Disneyland Research

Hiroyuki Ohno, "Disney and Chaplin" - Mickey was born under the enormous influence of his master Chaplin! An exciting work that also gives us an insight into the historical background

I was astonished to learn that "Snow White" had already been shown in full color in 1937 in "The Art of Disney" by Christopher Finch, one of the first books I read when I started learning about Disney. I was even more surprised to learn of Chaplin's involvement in the release of the film.

Chaplin not only influenced the content and philosophy of the films, but also provided Walt with business advice.

This book provides a detailed look at the relationship between these two people.

Unfortunately, Chaplin and Walt would cross paths in later years, but this book is very valuable to learn more about that history. This book is a very exciting way to learn about Disney from a different perspective.

Disney and its RivalsDreamland Disneyland Research

Tetsuo Arima, "Disney and Its Rivals: A History of Cartoon Media in America" - Mickey was not created from nothing.

This book provides an in-depth look at the historical background and industry conditions surrounding Walt. It is only by comparing Walt with others that his uniqueness becomes more apparent.

In this book, you will also learn about characters familiar to us, such as Tom and Jerry, Woody Woodpecker, Popeye, and Bugs Bunny, who appear as rivals to Mickey Mouse. This book is also a very interesting look at the history of American animation.

This book is just a lot of fun. I recommend this book because it is different from the usual Disney commentary books and full of charm. It is interesting to know the background of the times! I highly recommend this book.