(70) To the place of Buddha's ascension near Gion Seisha - the hill where Buddha ascended to the heavenly realm to meet his deceased mother.

Gion Seishaso (Buddhist sect founded in 1892 as an offshoot of Nichiren Buddhism) Third Indian Expedition - Journey to Places Related to Buddha

Travels to Buddhist sites in India and Sri Lanka (70)
To the place of Buddha's ascension near Gion Seisha - the hill where Buddha ascended to the heavenly realm to meet his deceased mother

Previous ArticleIn the previous section, I talked about the Gion Seisho, but there is another place nearby that is important in the life of the Buddha.

That is a small hill near Gion Seisha.

This is the place.(68) To Sankasha, one of the Eight Great Sacred Sites of Buddhism, the site of the legend of Buddha's descent from the heavens, "The Three Treasures of the Way.It is the counterpart to the Sankasha, the land of the Three Ways Treasure Floor, which I talked about in the article on

Legend has it that Buddha suddenly disappeared from the Gion Seisho and ascended to the heavenly realm, and then descended at Sankasha. The place of Buddha's ascension is the hill where we are now heading.

This is the hill. It is located just a short distance from Gion Seisha, and is like a small hill in the middle of a plain.

Let us look again at this commentary on the legend of Buddha's ascension.

In order to make people more aware of the Buddha's teachings and to instill in them a mindset that would allow them to live their lives according to the teachings without depending on the Buddha, there was an incident in which the Buddha suddenly disappeared from Gionshoshosha. During this time, the Buddha ascended to the 33rd heaven, where he preached to his reborn mother, Maya, but no one on earth knew what had happened to him, and the grief and worry of the people were beyond description. After three months, he descended to Sankarsha with Brahma and Indra on a three-step staircase (three-step staircase) made of gold in the center, silver on the right, and lapis lazuli on the left, where he was welcomed by the king and many people.

Heibonsha, written by Takashi Hizuka, co-authored by Mikihiro TaegusaThe Life of Sakyamuni as Seen in Art."P88

I have given a detailed explanation in a previous article, so I will spare you the details, but the key point of this ascension legend is that Buddha ascended to the heavens where his deceased mother is.

While Sankasha, where Buddha descended, is included in the Eight Great Sacred Sites of Buddhism, this hill, the place of ascension, is not. This is interesting, perhaps because it is treated as a part of the Gion Seisho.

We came to the top of the hill. At the top of this hill are the remains.

And at the very place where Buddha ascended to heaven, a small altar remains today.

I was surprised when I came here. When I looked up at the sky from here, I thought, "Really, Buddha flew through the sky from here and ascended to the heavens.I could really feel it.This is not a theory. This is not a theory. There is something about this hill.

The sunset seen from this hill is also unforgettable. In terms of importance in the Buddhist tradition, this site is not so major. However, the fact that the legend of Buddha's ascension to heaven for his mother was born here came to me with a startling realization.

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